
On the Dreamcast version, the game runs nearly smoothly at draw distance = 10 chunks (same as in Minecraft multiplayer) and move speed = 8, though it’s still far from the Gamecube version shown in https://discord.com/channels/239737791225790464/404399251276169217/1267828654814265447, which ran flawlessly at 30 FPS. There are occasional small stutters when moving around. Terrain noise generation has been optimized to run twice as fast, reducing its share of the total world, lightmap, and mesh generation time from 26% to just 14%. Numerous smaller optimizations have also been made, slowly chipping away chunk generation time.

How it runs at speed = 16: https://discord.com/channels/239737791225790464/1181724575084593153/1268219356504916080