A video on how to set up emacs and or 4coder with visual studios

Is there a video on how to set up VS with emacs or 4coder?
If so can someone let me know which one it is?
Thank you for the help.

Edited by DeVon DeCenzo on Reason: forgot to finish the question
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, because setting up visual studio is all done within visual studio's GUI, separately from 4coder or emacs, at least as far as I understand it from watching Casey do it. And that video of Casey setting up visual studio is here.
The OP may be asking about setting up the Microsoft C/C++ compiler (through a build.bat) in Emacs or 4coder through an automated keybind. There was a link on how to do this on the old handmade hero site, but I haven't seen that content transferred over to this new site yet. Wish I could share, but I just compile through cmd.

Edited by Scott Hunt on
If you would like to know how to set up the dev environment that Casey uses in Handmade Hero, simply watch the first video of Handmade Hero. He sets everything up in the first episode. At the bottom is the link to the episode.

- Connor