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Shazan Shums
159 posts
Some day I will make quality software. Programming FTW.
Writing a visualization library in C
I searched all over the net form visualization library in c.
But couldn't find one and c++ ones are hard to integrate.
So I thought of writing my own.
I am going to use d3js as basis.
Any helpful resources are appreciated.
513 posts
Writing a visualization library in C
what are you going to be visualizing?
Shazan Shums
159 posts
Some day I will make quality software. Programming FTW.
Writing a visualization library in C
Edited by Shazan Shums on
Just general datasets
Like financial data.
Rayalan Kenyon
11 posts
20 y/o recent college graduate Interested in game development
Writing a visualization library in C
Edited by Rayalan Kenyon on
A few resources on library design:

Casey Muratori's "The Worst API Ever Made"
Casey Muratori's "Designing and Evaluating Reusable Components"
Sean Barrett's "stb_howto.txt"
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Writing a visualization library in C
Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
I suggest simply generating text file in gnuplot or gpaphviz compatible format (depending on what kind of data you want to visualize) and then using command lone too to generate image, pdf file or whatever else you want. These two tools are really nice and easy to use.
Jeremiah Goerdt
208 posts / 1 project
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Writing a visualization library in C
I searched all over the net form visualization library in c.
But couldn't find one and c++ ones are hard to integrate.
So I thought of writing my own.
I am going to use d3js as basis.
Any helpful resources are appreciated.

Is that a poem? :-P So many newlines.
Shazan Shums
159 posts
Some day I will make quality software. Programming FTW.
Writing a visualization library in C
Edited by Shazan Shums on
Thanks for the info.

I suggest simply generating text file in gnuplot or gpaphviz compatible format (depending on what kind of data you want to visualize) and then using command lone too to generate image, pdf file or whatever else you want.

Guess no need to write a library anyways.

But if I'm doing a commercial project then..... i got to write one.