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Handmade Network»Forums
Kevin Sun
3 posts
UTCS Senior. Game Designer and Software Engineer.
Handmade Con 2017...
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was looking forward to going to handmade con 2017 (having watched all the talks from the last 2 years) but I haven't heard anything about it? Is it cancelled?
513 posts
Handmade Con 2017...
it was never a plan, instead the next hmcon is planned to be in spring 2018
Kevin Sun
3 posts
UTCS Senior. Game Designer and Software Engineer.
Handmade Con 2017...
Is that what casey said?
35 posts
Handmade Con 2017...
He said he wanted to move it to the spring instead of the fall, and doing spring 2017 would be too close to Handmade Con 2016. I don't know if he's made any concrete plans yet though.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Handmade Con 2017...
Is that what casey said?

Yes. For example: https://hero.handmade.network/episode/code/day343#3844
Kevin Sun
3 posts
UTCS Senior. Game Designer and Software Engineer.
Handmade Con 2017...
Awesome, thanks guys!
Shazan Shums
159 posts
Some day I will make quality software. Programming FTW.
Handmade Con 2017...
Is all previous videos of Handmadecon 2016 out. Or it won't be available due to a specific reason. I was looking forward to watch Jason Gregory's lecture.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Handmade Con 2017...
No, they're not out. Latest update is here: https://hero.handmade.network/episode/code/day389#81