The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Livestream new project

I am thinking about starting to livestream a fresh project. What would you prefer to see?

1. Me making a code editor from scratch? (This I have experience with) or
2. Me making a RTS game (old school 2D C&C-like) game from scratch. (This I have very little experience with)

In both cases I will use C or C++ (any preference?) and SDL
I would personally prefer RTS and C/C-style C++.
I think Hanmade community already has enough people working on code editors.
Thank you for the reply. Is that a stream you would follow?
I wonder if I'll have enough time to watch every live stream.
But I definitely would watch archives and sometimes show up on live.

Well, "enough people" means 2 and I've just figured you are a Glyphin developer so there is only one guy except you. Funny.
;) Yes, I am hired as a full time developer now, so this new project will replace the current Glyphin project.
Projects come and go on the network, some stay and are successful (sometimes financially, see 4coder), others reasonably step down to give life to a new one.

Remember you can change the status of Glyphin on your Project Settings. If you place it on Hiatus that should be enough, unless you want it removed in which case you should e-mail us.

This livestream sounds enjoyable. I have limited free time but I'd make an effort to pop in now and again!

It would be cool to see the RTS game and how you approach development. I guess choose what would be most enjoyable for you to make, so you have the most excitement.

I probably wouldn't come in live very much, but an archive stream would be interesting. There's so much to watch now, it's hard to keep up with everything.