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60 posts
2d Mesh deformation
Edited by erpeo93 on Reason: Initial post
Hi everyone,

For my game I was thinking about procedurally animating things like mantles and flags, so that I can have a good enough physic simulation on them. (wind, fire, ecc).

My high level idea was this:

-define what the "bones" of the object are, just like you do in normal skeletal animation.
-produce a mesh that "follows" these bones, defining many triangles that will constitute the mesh.
-texture mapping the triangles generating UV coordinates based on their position relative to the "idle" position of his respective bone.
I basically want to do something like spine do with mesh deformation.
Of course I don't need a cutting edge method, I don't want to have hundreds of triangles on a single mesh, I just want to make a mantle deform in a decent way following a skeleton of bones.

Have you some good resources I can study that can help me with this? I googled a bit but I wasn't able to find anything "clearly" useful, so I thought that asking here was the smartest thing to do :)

Thank you,

Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
2d Mesh deformation
Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
I would look into simulating springs. Subdivide your flag surface into smaller quads (or triangles) and use spring for each edge of quad. Then simulate physics and calculate back the position of vertices in each with physics update step. Something like this:

60 posts
2d Mesh deformation
I would look into simulating springs. Subdivide your flag surface into smaller quads (or triangles) and use spring for each edge of quad. Then simulate physics and calculate back the position of vertices in each with physics update step. Something like this:

Thank you very much Martin, that's a lot of material to look at. :)