For my game I was thinking about procedurally animating things like mantles and flags, so that I can have a good enough physic simulation on them. (wind, fire, ecc).
My high level idea was this:
-define what the "bones" of the object are, just like you do in normal skeletal animation.
-produce a mesh that "follows" these bones, defining many triangles that will constitute the mesh.
-texture mapping the triangles generating UV coordinates based on their position relative to the "idle" position of his respective bone.
I basically want to do something like spine do with mesh deformation.
Of course I don't need a cutting edge method, I don't want to have hundreds of triangles on a single mesh, I just want to make a mantle deform in a decent way following a skeleton of bones.
Have you some good resources I can study that can help me with this? I googled a bit but I wasn't able to find anything "clearly" useful, so I thought that asking here was the smartest thing to do :)