The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Informal meetup in Paris

So, a few mails and an few discord messages later, we have at least 4 people motivated for each date, so I guess now we have two meetups planned.

So we have :
- The 14th of may. Given how close it is to the estimated lift of the confinement, it's still subject to change/cancel.
- The 11th of june. This one should be safe to book train tickets for.

We'll be meeting at :
La Comédie, rue de la Reynie. (near the Chatelet station).
75004 PARIS

I'm editing the OP with lastest infos.
I just can't wait :)

Edited by albatros on
Hi albatros!

Thanks for the update.

Any date should do the trick for me if there is no confinement.

I guess we may need a monthly-ish update (before each potential date).
No problem. I'll do my best to keep everyone in the loop :)
here are the news on the meetup.

We are currently out of a place to meet for a bit of time, and there was not much activity for trying to get one. Quite normal given the circumstances.

For now there nothing for the 14th of may. I will update if I see some people talk about a date and a place for those interested.

Posting here and also on discord to keep everyone in the loop :

The date for the next handmade meetup of the 11th of june is approaching
It seems we are still out of a place to actually meet,
Anyone having an idea ?

Ok, we got a place and we've got people :)

The last place we met seems not to be open yet, so I booked us a table at :
Le Brise Miche
10, rue Brise Miche
75004 Paris

Just in front of the fountain Stravinsky
It's very close to stations : Chatelet, Les Halles, Rambuteau, Hotel de ville.

It this thursday, the 11th at 7PM

We expect for now between 3 and 6 people (from what I gathered in mails+discord)

Everyone is welcome : )

Edited by albatros on
Hello there,

To keep everyone in the loop, a possible 3rd meetup is brewing. No dates for now, except that this will be an online meetup.
Discussions about it are currently happening in the handmade network discord, on the channel "meetup-paris". Don't hesitate to pass by if you want a say in the general organisation, or maybe just for talking about programming in french.

If you don't like discord, there is still people here keeping an eye to this thread, so don't hesitate to have your say right here.


We've settled for October 15th, you can still have a say about at what time we will begin or what we'll be talking about.

See you then!
Hi, sorry to intrude but I notice your picture albatros, are you a go player? :)
Date and hours are locked.

So next meetup is online, on discord the
October 15th at 19h

If you want to join from another timezone, it's 7pm (GMT+1) (and we will speak french)

6 people already showed interest, but there is no doubt room for more.

See you there : )

I did play go a lot when I was in high school and university.

I adored go for the way you have to play both on the local scale and the global scale of the board. Now this itch is mainly scratched by programming that has something close with high and low level code. (Like I literally never want to play go unless I'm on vacation. Oddly similar to Zachtronics games)

(And the picture on the avatar is indeed a joke and somehow it never stopped cracking me up)

Edited by albatros on
I see! I agree the local and global aspect of the game is quite interesting.
It's good to see a fellow go player in here even though you don't really play anymore.
For me it comes and goes, recently I've been working on a go client as a way to learn programming.
Anyhow, nice to meet you! In case you want to play go for a change let me know ;)

Oh, almost forgot, the picture is quite funny :)

Edited by BernFeth on
A little remainder, to fire your RSS feeds

So next meetup is online, on discord the
October 15th at 19h

If you want to join from another timezone, it's 7pm (GMT+1) (and we will speak french)

Steps are, go to the handmade discord :

Make an account (if you don't already have one)
go to the channel #meetups-paris
and ask to join the discussion, and you are in :)

See you there !

Hello there,

For the next meetup, we settled for October 21st on Discord, starting at 7PM. We currently have 4 or 5 people confirmed, so feel free to spread the word :)


It's a bit late, but I'm leaving the information here to make it available to outsiders:

We're having a new remote meetup this evening on Discord starting at 7PM.

We also would like to make meetups more often and on a more regular schedule (like maybe once every month), so that we could know in advance when is the next one, and have more different people coming :)

Edited by Guntha on

Good morning!

For those who don't check the Discord often, there's a new online meetup tonight at 7PM (UTC + 1), on the channel #frog-eaters-conference .

We're not yet enough people who are available often enough to settle on a fixed schedule every month, so every time we're still trying to find a date that best fits everyone. Don't hesitate to talk about the Handmade network around you to find people interested!