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[News] New Technical Staff; Pseudonym73 Guest Appearance!

Abner Coimbre
Handmade Folks,

I actively dislike the online space during April Fool's, so I opted to write the monthly news the day after. Now you'll know these news are for real!

New Technical Staff

Please comment and thank the old team for their hard work!

The current staff is ready to move on to new ventures. Jeroen has a demanding full-time career at a UK startup, ChronalDragon will graduate from the University of Washington in a couple of months to enter the workforce right away, and Miblo has slowly been growing his annotation clientele with Handmade Dev Show, Handmade Hero, Riscy Business, and (most recently) Bitwise!

The site is stable with the core features we wanted, and we're just cleaning up the codebase so we can hand over the server to the new staff. So who are these folks? I'm happy to introduce:

Ben Visness: Ben is currently a full-time web developer and has provided a lot of help for the network behind the scenes. Welcome aboard!

Asaf Gartner: Asaf is a veteran of the community, and the reader will see my previous news posts tying his name to useful contributions. With a wealth of web development knowledge and low-level programming foo, Mr. Gartner has the perfect combination to handle the network!

Insofaras: The creator of our overlord, insobot, needs no introduction. Alex will be more of a backup for Ben and Asaf, and I'm glad to have him!

I'm hoping to transition them by June 2018. And don't worry, Jeroen, Chronal, and Miblo will obviously stick around on the network.

Pseudonym73 Guest Stars on HMH Day 440

I believe I met Andrew 'Pseudonym73' Bromage in 2014 when Handmade Hero started. By chat conversations alone we deemed him a quiet genius and I am inspired that he just did a stream with Casey (never thought we'd live to see the day).

Andrew mentioned posting his notes on the Handmade Wiki, so we're holding him to that!

Wiki Rules

On that last note, I mentioned last time it's time to write proper rules for the Wiki. I got about half of them written down but I'll need some more time before finishing them. After this we can return to encouraging folks to post educational content again, though we are grateful nakst is always posting. Stay tuned!

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Thank you, Handmade Network team, for everything you’ve done. This community (and therefore the platform on which it functions) has been instrumental in my development as a low-level programmer. I couldn’t be happier that I got the opportunity to have my project considered among the others on the site. You’ve created something undeniably special and valuable!
...and now you know just how quiet I'm not.
Thank you to the handmade network team! This site has become a collection of wonderful projects and a place to exchange ideas among programmers, which I really enjoy going on to. Thank you for your hard work maintaining this site. Best wishes to the old staffs and welcome to the new staffs!
Yes, Thanks so much for all the hard work by so many people!