The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Reinventing the Cookbook---In Reverse!

About Project Ambrosia

Project Ambrosia - Jam Submission

Made with Odin, Sqlite3, SDL 2, and MicroUI.


  • Viewing Recipes
  • Ability to change units (including density information)
  • Scale recipes
  • Steps with optional timing and temperature guides.
  • Add ingredients
  • Add Recipes
  • Rounding behaviour with Fractions
  • Dark Mode and Lite Mode
  • Many included recipes!

Future Features:

  • Search by tags
  • Reverse Recipe Search - Search by ingredients and amounts
  • Web App with user features
  • Image support
  • More recipes!

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Recent Activity

Project Ambrosia - Jam Submission

Made with Odin, Sqlite3, SDL 2, and MicroUI.


  • Viewing Recipes
  • Ability to change units (including density information)
  • Scale recipes.
  • Steps with optional timing and temperature guides.
  • Add ingredients
  • Add Recipes
  • Rounding behaviour with Fractions
  • Dark Mode and Lite Mode
  • Many included recipes!

Future Features:

  • Search by tags
  • Reverse Recipe Search - Search by ingredients and amounts
  • Web App with user features
  • Image support
  • More recipes!

Fractional Unit Showing and basic rounding

Ability to Add Ingredients (with default units, and plural names)

Ability to Add Recipe

Current progress of Day 2 of the Jam. A "forward" cookbook with decent unit conversion done with the ability to convert between mass and volumetric units! (It knows the density of the ingredients)