Vectors my beloved, Inverse-trig of Angles my beloathed
Writeup on a bunch of common spherical formulas, comparing (lat,lon) angles vs unit-vectors gif
Writeup on a bunch of common spherical formulas, comparing (lat,lon) angles vs unit-vectors gif
#define foreach(i,z,N) for(auto i=z; i<N; i++) static int test(int* vals, int i, int count, int best){ if(i < 0){ return best; } int included = test(vals, i-1, count+1, use(vals[i], best); int excluded = test(vals, i-1, count+0, best); return select(included, excluded); }
$\forall \ \vec{v} \in V \ \exists \ \vec{v}^{-1} \in V \ (v + v^{-1} = \vec{0})$
Note, there isn't a markdown preview for adding random snippets from profile
let's hope I can delete this after pressing Save ;)
&ldl Floyd's Algorithm has one pointer moving at 1-step per iter, and another at 2-steps per iter
This makes the initial step of "find node in loop" take 3-steps per iter
Brent's Algorithm reduces this to 1-step per iter by having one pointer at 0-steps per iter and another at 1-step per iter
By periodically updating the stationary pointer every power of 2, you'll find a node in the loop (and the loop length) faster
Now that you have the loop length, you can use the same method as before to find the start of the cycle
&ldl demonstrating a simple cycle detection algorithm
With the jam finished, here's a little demo video that highlights most of the project's features :)
&rede Better NFA superstate diffing for stepping backwards. Node hit-testing. Red flash for entering null-state. Strict/Loose matching with contextual underline.
Added NFA superstate visualization and particles my jam project &rede (
Planning on making it more clear what path the individual states go through as well as be better at stepping backwards
&sdf Final stretch, more editor features, and cleaning stuff up
&sdf I'm not procrastinating, you're procrastinating :owlofshame:
&sdf Added support for reflecting sdf primitives
&sdf Adding some features to the editor to allow the user to... y'know, edit
&sdf When everything's a distance function, hit-testing / mouse-picking is free. (Animated Undo/Redo on the other hand, is gonna cost ya :drugz:)