Stress testing navigation through recently visited folders in &file-pilot
Stress testing navigation through recently visited folders in &file-pilot
System wide Drag & Drop &disk-voyager
Separating folders from files, toggling their visibility, combined with filtering. &disk-voyager
Last update video for this year featuring proper UI and DPI scaling. It works nicely when switching monitors with different DPIs. &disk-voyager
Rectangular selection with smooth mouse scrolling on an expanded Windows drive (approx. 1 million files). &disk-voyager
Switch between folders and files. &disk-voyager
Select everything, toggle folders on and off, and you'll have all your files selected.
Use two split panels, one for files and one for folders.
Hundreds of thousands of new file entries arrive, and your scroll position remains fixed on your selection while still responding seamlessly to your scroll input. All movements in the video result from mouse scrolling and keyboard arrow actions. &disk-voyager
Sort by size in &disk-voyager includes directories contents, which is super handy!
I won't be showcasing huge features anymore before the alpha release, so I thought I'd share small feature I added today, "single-click to open". It mostly emulates Windows behaviour, short hover delay to select and it works nicely with multiple selections. I also integrated it into GoTo and commands window. &disk-voyager
Customization options in &disk-voyager
After few months of hard work and rewriting UI system from scratch, finally something to show ๐ &disk-voyager
Tightening UI renderer. Drop shadows for popups (left pic). Smoothed edges (right pic). &disk-voyager
As the end of the year approaches, I thought it would be nice to do a quick review of 2022 in the form of a short timelapse video. &disk-voyager
GoTo window and Navigation pane &disk-voyager
Selection Batch Renaming &disk-voyager
&disk-voyager - Improving right click context menu
Official handmade project ๐
- Tabs
- Create, delete, change tabs with mouse, command palette or hotkeys
- Open in new tab
- Stored in sessions and layouts
- Future support: tab rearrangement, tab into window
- Multiple selection with mouse and hotkeys
- Copy / Paste / Delete
- Results window
- Auto update stats/files across all panels
- Put to background tab
- Drag & drop mouse support
- Terminate
- Tech
- Custom HashMap (stb like with support for length base strings and arena allocation)
- Heavier use of scratch arenas
- Moved to unsigned counts/lengths
- IMGUI interactions rework
- Drive listing
- Works with expansion too. You can expand all drives together
- Separate goto window for recents/bookmarks/common system paths
- Support for automatic storing of current session (window size, panel layout, selection etc..)
- Support for saving/loading layouts (named sessions)
- File preview in separate panel (support for images now, planned: text, audio, video...)
- Support for ignored folders when searching (e.g. .git .svn)
- Support for multiple keybindings for same action
- Mapped basic vim movement actions (not interfering with regular keybindings)
- Open cmd & file explorer commands
- Display options for:
- Show/hide file extensions
- Show/hide hidden files
- Show/hide system files
- Miscellaneous
- Switched to length based strings struct String { char *value; int length; }
- Removed Allocator
wrapper abstraction and using Arenas
/ Pools
- Moved away completely from visual studio, using remedybg + portable MSVC
- Proper redrawing on window resize
- Support for different thumbnail sizes
- Using slider, but still experimenting on how to improve Windows default UX
- Round corners everywhere ^^
More work on Disk Voyager
New Features:
- loading icons in background (supports huge listings such as whole drive)
- inactive panel dim
- display entry full path when directory is expanded
Code Improvements:
- better thread support (thread priorities, more generic, not constrained to single work queue, using thread pools)
- switch arenas to use 64 bit virtual space (32bit support -> Recycle bin)
- using UTF8 in non-platform layer, converting to wchars in win layer
- support for direct NTFS sectors read
&disk-voyager - modern and fast file explorer. I've been working on it in my spare time. Probably gonna commit on it fully now. It's written in C and has custom OpenGL renderer. Its already blazingly fast. It expands my C drive with 200 GBs in less than 2 seconds and supports fzf filtering on the expanded content. Searching and filtering is multithreaded. There are tons of features I wanna experiment with in order to improve UX of traditional explorers (gonna share those in the future). Atm my primary focus is still on good performance.