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Handmade Network»The Handmade Network Podcast

Episode 19: [HMS2022] Memory Strategies: The Merits of (Un)safe

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Happy Thanksgiving! This is a rebroadcast of the memory safety podcast from Handmade Seattle 2022.

Allen Webster (creator of 4coder) interviews three guests on the hotly-contested topic of memory safety:

  • Evan Ovadia, creator of the Vale programming language (https://vale.dev/)
  • Ryan Fleury, game developer and employee at Epic Games Tools (formerly RAD Game Tools) (https://www.rfleury.com/)
  • John Austin, founder of Pontoco, the game studio known for their VR game The Last Clockwinder (https://pontoco.com/)

We hope you learn something about memory allocation and memory safety, and we hope that this can be a model for difficult programming conversations in the future!

This episode was produced by Abner Coimbre for Handmade Seattle 2022, and is made available in its unmodified form under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/