The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 3 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!

The website looks brilliant! However, the splash page is out place. The "Viva la programación" is in your face and not in keeping with the theme of the site. The site seems to have an abstract flat/print style to it and the grunge style of that hero image is out of place.

Another problem with the splash screen is that the menu bar elements seem to change size and position when hovered upon in a smaller window (<960px).

I do know the home/splash screen is the hardest thing to do usually (design wise) as it will be the first thing a user sees when coming to the side for the first time.
The website looks brilliant! However, the splash page is out place. The "Viva la programación" is in your face and not in keeping with the theme of the site. The site seems to have an abstract flat/print style to it and the grunge style of that hero image is out of place.

Another problem with the splash screen is that the menu bar elements seem to change size and position when hovered upon in a smaller window (<960px).

I do know the home/splash screen is the hardest thing to do usually (design wise) as it will be the first thing a user sees when coming to the side for the first time.

I've fixed the padding on the menu bar elements.

The splash page went through several design iterations. I consulted with d7samurai on it, since he has a lot of experience in advertising and branding. The current version is mostly his work, and it's the way it is for several reasons. The primary reason is that it has to grab the attention of newcomers and get them to read further. This is also the reason that the style is different from the rest of the site... it needs to stand out. Hard to say whether it's too jarring, and will deter potential visitors, but the primary message -- "Long live programming" -- seems sound, and the revolutionary aesthetic would more likely invoke curiosity than distaste.

Hope that helps.
This thread should now be used primarily for bug reports, feature requests should be directed to this thread. Thanks!
owensd: According to Safari's own profiler, I'm spending only microseconds in my key event handlers. If there are stalls, it must be on safari's side, and there's very little I can do about that.

Yeah, the problem isn't the JavaScript, it's the CSS styling. Every keystroke appears to be invalidating the entire textarea and causing some re-paint issues.

I'll see if I can come up with anything to address it.

Edited by David Owens II on

Sub headings do not align correctly on mobile view.

Edited by Marcus Smallman on
Sub headings do not align correctly on mobile view.

Mmm, yeah. I need to do a few tweaks to the mobile view, I'll tackle that soon.

Edited by Andrew Chronister on
The site looks great, but I have a some usability and performance issues that I hope you can fix:

First, I guess all you webdev guys have giant screens or only run your browser maximized, so you never run into this problem.. But as a laptop user who frequently resizes my windows I must say that I find that all this responsive web design stuff that more and more sites do these days sucks. Content layout jumps around and menu items are hidden when the window resizes for no real reason. Having content overflow the window bounds in the horisontal direction won’t kill you, horisontal scroll bars exist for a reason. Making content and navigation elements jump around and hide as the window is resized will however make your website less user friendly.

Secondly, for a website that encourages fast and efficient software it’s a bit sad to see that it absolutely kills browser performance when resizing the browser window. Looking at Safari's web inspector it seems that there is a bunch of layout and style invalidations happening, and compositing taking a lot of time. Chrome has similar issues but hides them slightly better. Compare resizing the window when on to doing the same at and the problem should be obvious.
The 'size' tag isn't working, at least in blog posts. Test. Also not in forum posts. Happens whether you type by hand or if you use the dropdown. At the moment this is embarassingly on the front page, but permalink.

(I only use the size tag because there's no equivalent to html 'h3'-ish things. Also there's no rule lines. But adding Markdown support will cover this.)

The markup language seems to turn carriage returns into 'br' tags, rather than using paragraph tags. This is bad because it makes the boundaries between sections like lists get too much space if you put an empty line before/after the list (see the link above for examples). So I think you should either suppress some of those br tags in those cases, or instead of figuring out the cases, just use paragraph tags and let html do the work for you.

Edited by Sean Barrett on
Compare resizing the window when on to doing the same at and the problem should be obvious.

Casey did a lot of work to address this, including talking to browser people on twitter about what the fast path for this is. Ping him for details.

Also, having just this 10-post forum page open along with the link in my previous post utterly destroys performance on Windows Firefox (maybe only after a couple interactions, page-forward-backs or whatever), to the point where it's processing input only once every five-ten seconds (ie 0.1 fps).

Edited by Sean Barrett on
- Registration link on the login page doesn't work.
- Login link on this thread doesn't work (when logged out)

Chrome 49.0.2623.112

Edited by Pent on

- I can't upload new project logos for any theme.
Try refreshing the page after doing the upload. We still need to do the caching pass, so it might be serving up the old version of the settings page / project page.

I did try refreshing the site, but it's still the same. Do I have to scale the image to 400px*400px for the page to accept it?


- When I remove my optional real name, the project page doesn't list me as a developer.
I've just pushed an update which should hopefully fix this. Let me know if it's still broken (and send a screenshot).

It's fixed! Thanks! :)


Fixed by limiting image width to 100%. I think we might want to consider automatically giving large images links so that you can click to see the full thing, or wrapping them in a div so that a scrollbar can be added.

Also fixed! :)

By the way: Hierarchical quotes don't work. ;)


Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for this site!

Edited by ands on

By the way: Hierarchical quotes don't work. ;)

I know. BBcode parsing is going to get a bit smarter soon. Should also fix @nothings observations about newlines.

Edit: [ ul ], [ ol ], and [ li ] now all eat an extra newline, which should help with keeping formatting consistent. Size now works.

Edited by Andrew Chronister on
Hi, congrats for the launch !

2 problems:
- on the thread list in the handmade hero forum, if I try to go on a specific page that is less then the current page using the page number at the bottom, the link is wrong. E.g. going from page 38 to page 37 gives that link:

- I can't update a new profile image (it may be the same problem that ands, but not for a project logo), I was able to upload a first image but not change it after (no error message, it just doesn't do anything).

EDIT: After typing this message, the new profile image showed up in the forum, but not in the profile settings. I guess it needs some time.

Edited by Simon Anciaux on Reason: Things change !
Hi ! Congrats for the launch. There's a lot of stuff that I like on the site, but also a few things that bother me. They are mostly design issues (especially with the forums). I'm not sure if you want brutally honest feedback (that will necessarily be biased), but if you do I'd be glad to share. (In the meantime I'ill be working on my own Stylish userscript to fix things, and I'll share it afterwards.)

Edited by TheEpsylon on
I moved my post to the feature request thread (feel free to delete this)

Edited by AndrewJDR on Reason: moved post