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Handmade Network»Forums
2 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Hi Guys,

I am just starting with Hand made hero on youtube.
I am hoping that it should work even though I am 300 days behind :)

Do you guys have any advice for me as a beginner
Also is there anybody else just starting on this?
52 posts
It's been so long ;)
Anybody just starting on this recently?
My advice is to stay at it and always practice. I view handmade hero as more of a real class than a thing I do in my free time. It really helps to have a schedule. Mine goes a little like this, Monday watch the current video, Tuesday implement the code myself without looking back at the video or source code, Wednesday watch the current video, repeat.

I never move ahead without understanding what has been taught and that's why I am not that far along despite doing handmade hero for a long time.

Hope that helps. :)

- Connor
64 posts
Programmer at NASA GSFC
Anybody just starting on this recently?
It's designed to be consumed at your own, individualized pace. I would guard against the "Catching up" mentality, because you are not missing out on anything besides the pre-streams even if you take a decade to complete the series. It's there for when you need it. Enjoy.
N Setobol
15 posts
Warehouse worker/Programmer
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Casey always says don't worry about catching up.

I'm only on day 34.
5 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
I am new here. I am going to start from Monday 26th here in India.

What I want to know is two things:
1) Do I have to use Windows or I can use Linux? I have my laptop set up in dual boot with Windows 10 and Ubuntu-Gnome 16.04 and I prefer to do all my programming on Linux.

2) There is a pre-order link on https://handmadehero.org/
and there is this:
Is all the source code included with the game?
Yes! If you buy the game, you will get absolutely all the code. And not just to the most recent build, but to every build from every day, so you can easily go back through the video archives and practice along with them.
Now I don't have a problem paying 15 dollars (I will pay it anyway). What I want to know is what is this for? Does this lets me access the source code and without it, it is not accessible?

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Yes, you need to buy the game to get access to the source code.
Bill Strong
50 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
I am new here. I am going to start from Monday 26th here in India.

What I want to know is two things:
1) Do I have to use Windows or I can use Linux? I have my laptop set up in dual boot with Windows 10 and Ubuntu-Gnome 16.04 and I prefer to do all my programming on Linux.

2) There is a pre-order link on https://handmadehero.org/
and there is this:
Is all the source code included with the game?
Yes! If you buy the game, you will get absolutely all the code. And not just to the most recent build, but to every build from every day, so you can easily go back through the video archives and practice along with them.
Now I don't have a problem paying 15 dollars (I will pay it anyway). What I want to know is what is this for? Does this lets me access the source code and without it, it is not accessible?


What part of Linux do you like for programming? If it is the command line tools, try the Bash on Ubuntu on Windows for Windows 10. You can write the code in your favorite editor, and then compile with VS at compile time. (You can't compile with VS from the command line, unfortunately.)

This would be the simplest answer, if you want to follow along exactly with Casey. However, if you are comfortable with Linux graphics programming, then just translate the first few days to the Linux version and go from their.

Also, if you buy the game, you get access to the github repository that contains others translations to macOS, SDL, the Go Language and more.
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Hi Ishan, although I still haven't started coding along, as such, I did build it along here on Arch Linux thanks to @nxsy's XCB platform layer. Currently there's an issue with the TIMED_FUNCTION macro preventing the code from compiling with GCC and Clang but, since this was only introduced on Day 183 and later cleaned up on Day 249 (according to the annotations), you probably won't need to worry about this for a while.

Also, along with the source code for all of the days in the form of .zip files and the GitHub repo, the pre-order grants you access to the art assets.
5 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Huge thanks to everyone for answering my queries.

One more question: Is there a way to register to threads on the forum to be notified via email, when someone posts a reply?
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Is there a way to register to threads on the forum to be notified via email, when someone posts a reply?

If all goes well, we have the e-mail notifications feature scheduled to appear next month. It's an essential feature along with the others I discuss here. We're happy you're finding this site useful.
2 posts
Anybody just starting on this recently?
Thank you so much everybody for all the answers I am so glad to meet all you great developers