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Ted Bendixson
28 posts / 2 projects
I make apps and games for Mac OS and iOS. Creator of Mooselutions and Skate Dice. Avid terrain park snowboarder. Charlottesville, VA.
Handmade Hero Starting With OSX Platform Layer
Edited by Ted Bendixson on Reason: Initial post
Hey all,

I wanted to start building Handmade Hero on my Mac but there weren't any videos starting on that platform. So instead of buying a P.C. to start following along, I decided to learn how it's done on a Mac and share it as a tutorial series (Youtube videos coming soon).


Happy to hear your feedback.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Handmade Hero Starting With OSX Platform Layer
Your snippet with iostream and printf is kind of wrong. printf is in "stdio.h" (or "cstdio"), not in iostream. In iostream there is std::cout, if that is your thing.
Ted Bendixson
28 posts / 2 projects
I make apps and games for Mac OS and iOS. Creator of Mooselutions and Skate Dice. Avid terrain park snowboarder. Charlottesville, VA.
Handmade Hero Starting With OSX Platform Layer
Thanks! Changed it.
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Handmade Hero Starting With OSX Platform Layer
#include "stdio.h"
/* Should be */
#include <stdio.h>

Using < and > instead of " changes where the compiler is looking for the header. For system header (header provided by xcode) you should use < and >, for the headers of your project you should use ". Here is how it works with msvc, but I guess it works in a similar way with clang.
Ted Bendixson
28 posts / 2 projects
I make apps and games for Mac OS and iOS. Creator of Mooselutions and Skate Dice. Avid terrain park snowboarder. Charlottesville, VA.
Handmade Hero Starting With OSX Platform Layer
Again, many thanks.