The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
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RemedyBG's disassembly formatter in watch window.

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An upcoming feature in RemedyBG that can be used for formatting an array of elements into a nested table where each (optionally named) column is described by an arbitrary expression. The expression can use the pseudo-variable $ for the current element of the array along with __index for the current index. The expression shown in the screenshot is InputBoxes, InputBoxCount { @idx __index; @width $.BoxMax.x - $.BoxMin.x; @height $.BoxMax.y - $.BoxMin.y; @light $.IsLight }.

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Ability to show local variables using "__locals" expression in watch window.

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New string view format specifier for viewing long, multi-line strings in the watch window.

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