Handmade Network»Feed
Carlos Gabriel Hasbun Comandari
I don't know why, wherever I go, whichever website I visit, anything that even remotely attempts …
That's the reason! Thanks!
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Oh, I see the problem now. First of all - when such program is compiled with optimizations turne…
I've got it. 1cl -Ox -F4194304 -FC -Zi ..\code\Source.cpp user32.lib gdi32.lib With such …
I don't know how would I corrupt my stack by entering WinMain, the big array is declared right in…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
If you are embracing C++ then I see no reason to not use STL. And if you don't care about items …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Are you sure it is allocation that crashes not some stack corruption? _chkstk typically asserts i…
Alright I found the problem, Debug builds. How come your builds are by default in release mode? …
Hi! Thank you for the hint. Still doesn't work. I tried also executing the commands from an adm…
Johannes Norneby
I used to write all my own datastructures, and used template based linked lists a LOT. I pretty m…
Miguel Lechón
I count four in favor of issue creation and none against, so I've created the issues I skipped th…
Casey Muratori
I used my remedial Joomla skills to add a "Search the Forums" option to the "Your Account" menu t…
Techne is a text editor partially inspired by HMH that I've been working on in my spare time. I d…
Casey Muratori
We could change it to a SafeTruncateToInt16 if you remind me... - Casey
Casey Muratori
Yeah, ML and friends do type inference in a much better way, without making you do all kinds of t…
Casey Muratori
Yes, that would be fine, although I don't really know that it's necessary. If the asset loading …
I think the issues are useful for communicating to others who might already be working on annotat…
I guess that is what OOP does with your mind, I dind't even consider straight overloading as a go…
If I remember correctly you actually need to check for HalfTransitionCount > 0 for key changes…
Oliver Marsh
Thanks, the video helped alot.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Try /STACK linker argument: 1cl.exe -FC -Zi ..Source.cpp uer32.lib gdi32.lib -LINK -STACK:4194304…
Hi, Sorry to join so late to the party. I have a very basic question regarding day 005 and how …
Some platforms don't seem to have an option to do rendering from the bottom up like on windows. …
Bart Kevelham
Another great resource is "Fluid flow for the rest of us" (PDF LINK). It takes the math, which …
Dries Lamberechts
I think I got it now :) Thanks for the answer
You mentioned that the fact that PushBitmap() Pushes elements onto a queue, later in the render …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Ok, yeah I guess currently race condition won't give any big issues. Except with minor issue - it…
Casey Muratori
mmozeiko If somebody will remove hha file during iteration in Win32OpenNextFile function (or Find…
Casey Muratori
I would also point out that there is a third option, which is that if you want your fluid simulat…
Casey Muratori
Well, I guess the thing I would ask is, what is the benefit of making an "object" any more formal…