On Windows Vista and up, you could call DwmFlush to sort of "wait for vsync" and have better frame…
I started the handmade series up until the 25th episode more or less, then I decided to make the e…
0.6.7 has been interesting. There has been some significant additions to the language that opens f…
As far as I know, it's not possible to call functions from the watch window (or other windows) in …
In Visual Studio's debugger it is possible call functions (when they survive compilation) in watch…
Handmade Hero's code is structured using a unity build (everything compiled as a single translatio…
It's weird that the LSP doesn't work, if the code compiles, but I don't use LSPs so I don't know. …
I am on day 12 of handmade hero and the most annoying problem rn is that I get errors from LSP for…
Hi, thank you very much for this! Is there a separate token for handmadehero_prestream as well by…
Currently only a subset of the format specifiers work within the context of a columnar expression.…
Answered in forum. Apologies for missing this!
One thing you can try is to disable breaking for an access violation altogether by opening the "Ev…
I regret to announce that the Handmade Network and Handmade Software Foundation will no longer be …
You are more likely to get a fast reply by asking on the handmade network discord in the remedybg …
Thank you Sir for your hard work !! Btw it seems you were off for a while. Vacations I would assum…
Okay, so if I have two IO libraries, each with its own IO::ReadFile function, then a collision wou…
The full name being the full module name, such as mylib::net. It is not possible to have two of th…
The program I am debugging spams c0000005 exceptions basically constantly during normal behavior. …
RemedyBG is now available for download from itch.io. Automatically disable dependent break…
In C3, you cannot have two modules that have the full name net without them being the same module.…
I have recently published the Dev Update 21, it covers the progress made throughout 2024. Some of …
The 0.6.6 release is surprisingly on time despite (or perhaps thanks to?) the Christmas holidays.…
The need to rename a namespace comes from the fact that there are irresolvable namespace collision…
New guide for future reference:
The spinning blue cursor is probably due to the fact that you did not set a cursor in the window c…
The person who uses a namespace should name it, rather than the person who creates it. This is how…
Why doesn't C3 allow aliasing of namespaces? Wouldn't import raylib as rl; be a good idea? Why am …
Over the past two weeks, the Lua development experience with nCine has seen significant improvemen…
0.6.5 is out, and it brings some improvements and a bunch of bug fixes.Splat in initializers Splat…
As far as I know, it's not possible at the moment. You might get more info on the handmade network…