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Handmade Network»Feed
Christoffer Lernö
It's time to release 0.6.1. There's been a bit longer to the x.x.1 than for 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1, and as…
I think Simon brought up a good point, which is: If most people are on discord, then what's the po…
New release is available for download. The current source line's range is now highlighted in the d…
Use ALT+N for goto_next_jump and ALT+SHIFT+N for goto_prev_jump. I should have made it clearer.
Simon Anciaux
By default it should be Alt + N for the next one, and Alt + Shift + N for the previous one (on Win…
That doesn't work for me. I do ALT+F get my search list, press enter to go to the first one and th…
Do you mean the list_all_locations command (default is Alt+F)? If so, you can use goto_next/prev_j…
Hi all, Once I've got to the first search result, how do I keep searching to go to the next match?…
Ben Visness
Thanks for your concerns. Rather than go point-by-point, I just want to try and explain more of th…
Simon Anciaux
Once again, the following will sound negative, but my intention is only to give feedback so that t…
Ben Visness
Hey there, Handmade Network. Since you’re reading this on the website, you may have noticed that…
Thanks it worked great. Sorry for late reply.
This is meant to be a list of organized topics for everyone who wants to include cross-platform te…
Simon Anciaux
I just thought that the pseudo code I wrote wouldn't do what I expected because there are two loop…
Ok thanks I will try out changes. Also 24 was just a number I was trying out to see if it made any…
Simon Anciaux
When asking some issue like this, it would help to have a zip with either everything we need to co…
Thank you George!
Yes hello all. I'm having a problems with my collisions in my demo I'm making. Sometimes the playe…
Simon Anciaux
RemedyBG is now available for download from itch.io with the following new features and bu…
RGFW RGFW is a lightweight single-header library that handles window creation and management, inclu…
Simon Anciaux
On the handmade discord, x13pixels is investigating issues with large pdb file (> 4Gio). They were…
Hi there ! I was actually lazy to post that but the same happened to me. What version of Remedy ar…
Is there any way to declare that a thread-local variable is also exported/imported to/from another…
In the official example: (raylib [textures] example - Sprite animation) the way it is choosen as f…
Hi! RemedyBG crashes when it tries to open a (large) Unreal project. The progress stops when the U…
Christoffer Lernö
It's been three months and finally version 0.6.0 is here! C3 was on a monthly update cycle, so wha…
Yes - originally I was intending on only having it for the GUI but I felt having core features lik…
gotcha. if it makes it any easier, all I would really need is the evaluated result as an unformatt…