We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Handmade Network»Feed
I'm loving the table functionality, but would like to format cells. Usually as a string, but poten…
Benjamin Pedersen
Do you know when 0.2.3 full version is released, so we can use this?
Ben Visness
This post has been co-authored by Abner Coimbre and Ben Visness. On November 17, 2014, Casey Murat…
That's my experience as well. I've tried on 7 machines now. BIOS/legacy/EFI doesn't matter. Visual…
Macoy Madson
A happy middle ground in the interim would be more features like Fishbowl. I would love to see mor…
Here is how bio section on looks on desktop Firefox 127.0.2: image.png
Ben Visness
I’d like to apologize for being harsh earlier - it’s true, I didn’t realize that Macoy was a…
Oliver Marsh
Just wanted to say I read the cake lisp blog posts and thought they were great. I miss more in-dep…
Thank you Sir ! Btw I am still playing around with PDB files on a monthly basis when I feel like i…
Macoy Madson
Thanks for responding, Abner! I appreciate your willingness to do things the hard way when it's th…
Abner Coimbre
When Ben mentioned: We are always exploring alternative chat options through Handmade Cities. He's…
Christoffer Lernö
Finally 0.6.4 is out. This version has some very important improvements working with constant slic…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
imho this is a lost battle. You cannot force community use what you want or what you prefer. Most …
I am following the HandmadeHero series. So far I have just finised a couple of lessons. When I run…
The reply is a bit late, but there is a solution for this: SetStretchBltMode(window_context, STRET…
Macoy Madson
Ben, I am disappointed with how you've claimed my argument is about being "too cool for mainstream…
Ben Visness
Oh, and re: this: Handmade Software Foundation It's the first time I've heard of that. Is there mo…
Ben Visness
I have long maintained that we should use Discord for as long as it is good and useful. So far tha…
Simon Anciaux
RemedyBG is now available for download with the following improvements and bug fixes: HRES…
Simon Anciaux
Is there a way to keep (mostly __locals) variables permanently expanded in the watch window betwee…
Apologies for replying to an old post, but it seemed better than making a new thread. Is there a w…
Macoy Madson
I do hope that the irony with how much Handmade Network uses Discord is apparent with regard to th…
Ben Visness
None of the linked posts are present in our earliest database backup, which is mere months after A…
Simon Anciaux
And throughout it all, we made a slew of website updates, including an overhaul to our Discord int…
Ben Visness
The past few months have been a whirlwind. We hosted two jams: the Visibility Jam and the Wheel Re…
Might it be possible to have the link to the forums as it's own button/link in the top menu? Maybe …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
In general I would recommend using clang on Windows - as it can produce native debug info in pdb f…
Hey! I don't know if this is a known issue or an issue to begin with, but I was checking the type …
Christoffer Lernö
0.6.3 is out and brings some nice improvements and changes together with bug fixes and standard li…