Handmade Network»Feed
We could go real "pig mode" and build our own cpu/gpu combo and run it on a FPGA board.
Ah ok, so as the SignOf function parameter is defined as a signed int it all works. I get it, tha…
Simon Anciaux
You can subtract 2 unsigned values and get a signed value. 1 2 3uint32 a = 1; uint32 b = 2; int32…
I don't quite understand the code at line 418 in handmade.cpp: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 …
John Lorre
Casey, just to be clear: I did not mean to come over like I want to pressure you into explaining …
Oh man, should have waited 10 more minutes and I would have had my answer. After careful evaluati…
So I am playing around with hash tables and looking at how it effects performance. I wrote three …
Kasper Sauramo
If I recall correctly here, Windows7 requires Xaudio2.7 and 2.8 isn't supported. However for some…
Casey Muratori
Yeah, and I think it will be fun to have a joystick that doesn't go through USB, because it would…
Juan Felipe Garcia Catalan
Much easier in fact than dealing with the USB. In fact you could just stick a few potentiometers …
Casey Muratori
I don't know if we'll support USB on the Pi, because we might go _even more handmade_ on there an…
Reece H
I'll do my best to explain it line by line, hopefully this will help you figure out what part you…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Small in terms that it is pretty readable. You can start reading it without being totally lost. C…
Hehe Disguised Dormant Doormat :)
Thomas Frase
For suitable definitions of "small". I knew of this one, it has about 12k lines of code. That's a…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Here is small USB stack written specially for Raspberry Pi: https://github.com/rsta2/uspi It can …
Thomas Frase
I always wanted to see someone implement an USB stack from scratch. (Assuming HH will support joy…
Casey Muratori
Yes, or RPi (or RPi2) port will use nothing at all besides the "fixed" boot loader that is undocu…
Casey Muratori
Just a small note: when breaking into a running program, you must be careful to ensure that the d…
Casey Muratori
The primary utility of pointers comes more when you are operating on A. Large collections of thi…
Ok just looking at that, before running it, I'd guess the first printf prints 1 because you pass …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Well once you assign value to ChangeMe/ChangeMe2, there are really no differences what you do. I…
Benjamin Schnur
When I posted, it was happening every time I ran the program within about 30 seconds; for whateve…
Hello. I am very new to programming in general. I'm using the Handmade Hero videos on Youtube plu…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
That is very low-level function in Windows. What functions are in call stack? If it doesn't show …
Marc Novakowski
Ah yes - now THAT would be cool!
Benjamin Schnur
I'm about halfway through Day 035, and I've run into the following: The program hangs after an i…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
What do you mean with "pass an array to a pointer"? If you are asking how to assing array to poin…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Of course I was joking about HH for Win10 on RPi2. As for RPi port - I don't think that is same …
Gavin Williams
In my XAudio code I have my buffer data, im trying to get my buffer data into the fillbuffer func…