We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Handmade Network»Forums
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
This could be a caching layer issue to be addressed after registration for non-HMH users is up tomorrow. Refreshing works for the most part. If the file name is updated though, other people should see the change. Is your profile pic the same one you have for Twitter? If so, it worked :)
2 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Page URL: https://handmade.network/home (other pages aren't that bad)
Description of issue: TTFB is ~1s
Browser + version: Chrome 51.0.2704.22 beta-m (64-bit) / Firefox 45.0.1

This essentially means that the whole page shows up in +1s, which is a bit excessive (don't get me started on other sites). It suggests either the DB and/or the page generation is slow. Obviously, nothing critical, but just a heads up.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Page URL: https://handmade.network/home (other pages aren't that bad)
Description of issue: TTFB is ~1s
Browser + version: Chrome 51.0.2704.22 beta-m (64-bit) / Firefox 45.0.1

This essentially means that the whole page shows up in +1s, which is a bit excessive (don't get me started on other sites). It suggests either the DB and/or the page generation is slow. Obviously, nothing critical, but just a heads up.

Interesting. I haven't seen this, and indeed the page is done rendering in a second.
After we nail some of the more important things, I'll look into tightening up performance some more.

We're still in the soft-launch early access phase of the website, trying to gather feedback to improve it before we launch it properly. Hence also no launch video from Abner yet, and no mention of the launch on the Patreon. :)

Other than not doing obviously stupid things, we haven't addressed performance yet.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
As search is not yet implemented I'm unsure if this has already been mentioned, but browsing on an rMBP a lot of the images on the site look a little wonky (particularly, project "logo" images on project pages). It would be good if the site had better support for high-DPI displays (e.g. serving 2x images for retina displays).

Do you have a screenshot of this wonkiness? I don think either Chronal or I have Mac devices. It would be nice to know how it's wonky. :)
Joe Savage
2 posts
A Computer Science student and software developer from England.
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Edited by Joe Savage on
Do you have a screenshot of this wonkiness? I don think either Chronal or I have Mac devices. It would be nice to know how it's wonky. :)

Apologies, I should have better clarified my issue -- the perceived 'wonkiness' is simply due to the fact that the pixel density of my screen is too high. The project logo images are 400px x 400px in size, and are displayed at exactly this size, so they just look kind of bad on higher PPI displays.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Apologies, I should have better clarified my issue -- the perceived 'wonkiness' is simply due to the fact that the pixel density of my screen is too high. The project logo images are 400px x 400px in size, and are displayed at exactly this size, so they just look kind of bad on higher PPI displays.

Ah, I see. Once we've addressed some of the more pressing issues, we'll look into high PPI/DPI issues. I have an idea how to address this.
Won Chun
2 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
So, this site looks pretty sweet!

0) This megathread might be a pretty ridiculous way to report issues since everyone who is posting will have to read it to scan for duplicates...or do what I'm doing and not bothering (or worse: not posting at all)

1) In a reply post, I clicked on the quoted username to go to the original message, but it instead kicked me out to the main forums page.
Jack Mott
110 posts
Web Developer by day, game hobbyist by night.
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Page: https://handmade.network/_register

Issue: If something fails validation, the page is refreshed with all fields erased. The nicest way to do this is not even activate the Register button until all fields validate. Using an ajax call to check that the username is available as the user types and javascript validation for the rest makes this possible and is very slick.

Jack Mott
110 posts
Web Developer by day, game hobbyist by night.
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Page: https://handmade.network/_settings#account

Issue: If something is not correct with an avatar image, such that it can't upload or be used, there is no error. Just nothing happens. An error message indicating "image too large" or "format not recognized" would be helpful.
Abner Coimbre
321 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Edited by Abner Coimbre on Reason: Wording

0) This megathread might be a pretty ridiculous way to report issues since everyone who is posting will have to read it to scan for duplicates...or do what I'm doing and not bothering (or worse: not posting at all)

We had decided it was OK to let people report without reading previous posts, potentially to catch any nuances in the problem depending what browser/OS they reported the same problem from.

However, while we're in beta, an obvious section where we have reported-bugs (and whether or not they were fixed) can minimize the problem of those who wouldn't bother to post.

1) In a reply post, I clicked on the quoted username to go to the original message, but it instead kicked me out to the main forums page.

We'll have a look! We glad you like the site Won; hope you may contribute comments to projects once things get more active.

Won Chun
2 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
So I guess clicking on the user link sends you to the user profile, which makes sense; I guess I just want a way to go to the quoted post.

I think you should skip rendering on "none" signatures.

Would be nice to be able to have nicer previews during profile editing. Like updating your profile pic doesn't happen until submission; no preview image appears. Would also like to update the profile page in situ, rather than in a separate form. Or at least a fast way to go between the two.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
So I guess clicking on the user link sends you to the user profile, which makes sense; I guess I just want a way to go to the quoted post.

I think you should skip rendering on "none" signatures.

Would be nice to be able to have nicer previews during profile editing. Like updating your profile pic doesn't happen until submission; no preview image appears. Would also like to update the profile page in situ, rather than in a separate form. Or at least a fast way to go between the two.

You raise excellent points, Won. I'll look into addressing them when some of the more pressing issues have been dealt with.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
So I guess clicking on the user link sends you to the user profile, which makes sense; I guess I just want a way to go to the quoted post.

This is possible, and was probably the default in Kuena. We'll look into it.


I think you should skip rendering on "none" signatures.

Whoops, I thought we did. Will do.


Would be nice to be able to have nicer previews during profile editing. Like updating your profile pic doesn't happen until submission; no preview image appears. Would also like to update the profile page in situ, rather than in a separate form. Or at least a fast way to go between the two.

The forms for editing profiles, projects, login, registration, came together at the last minute. They'll be getting changes soon to be nicer to use. Including, as someone else pointed out, quick clientside validation.
3 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
It worked today, despite me having refreshed the page several times yesterday.
Well, damn Firefox :)
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
Backslashes have ugly red rectangle around it in code tag: