The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 4 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

(Eternal) Screenshot Saturday -- Post images/gifs/videos of your game or other project!

Working on a game on the side and want to show off? Building a cool visualizer or analytical tool that produces pretty graphs? Made a sweet animation, landscape, or character art? Display them proudly here!

(It doesn't actually have to be Saturday when you post. Visual content is preferred, but if you can show off aural or textual content in an interesting way then that's cool too!)

Edited by Andrew Chronister on
Been working on a basic music visualizer for fun and learning. At the moment it just takes a few source images and breaks them up into particles which are driven by amplitude(using WASAPI). Rendering is in OpenGL. I plan on adding more in-depth sound analysis soon.

Here's a quick gif of what it looks like(not sure how to embed it).

Here's a debug UI I just started working on(not terribly useful at the moment besides basic profiling)

On a side note I'm excited about going to Handmade Con soon!

Edited by Jeremy M on
gif link

Here's a clip of some recently update character art (and some un-updated tile art) and a demonstration of my event system. :)

Edited by Ryan Fleury on
@Sirlrk @Delix, Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing your work!

How does the per-primitive culling works ? Is every part of the track a separate draw call that you test before issuing ?
How does the per-primitive culling works ? Is every part of the track a separate draw call that you test before issuing ?

It's more likely a new batch every frame. Then you can do per primitive culling by skipping primitives when building the batch.
How does the per-primitive culling works ? Is every part of the track a separate draw call that you test before issuing ?

everything is drawn in a single draw call, but the engine generates the track procedurally every frame, so each primitive can be individually tested on the cpu before being added to a common geometry buffer and uploaded to the gpu.

Edited by d7samurai on
A couple of shots from an experimental procedural RPG I am working on using MonoGame:

NPCs are generated randomly with class-appropriate surnames and class-appropriate desires:

Working on applying a tile sheet to the simplex noise generated map:

@d7samurai and @ratchetfreak: Make sens, thanks.
So, I'm working on a small RPG inspired by the tabletop RPG Gammaworld and a Swedish take on the same concept called "Mutant". It's being done in a faux C64-ish style, and using a Wolfenstein-like raycaster for the "dungeon crawling" part.

(Most of these images are somewhat mangled by the forum downscaling them, which causes some artifacts because of the CRT emulation filter, which is not present when running the actual game. If you want a correct feel for how it actually looks, make sure to view them in x1 scale.)

It's called Afterworld, and here's a title screen.

The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, where civilization has been destroyed, and earth is now populated by a few remaining humans, but mostly animals mutated into intelligent humanoid forms.

In the game, you play a private-eye kind of character, and it's going for a bit of that noir vibe in the writing.

The game centers around the town of Newton, and has multiple fixed locations you can visit.

In these locations, you can find characters to talk to, to find out more information about things, and sometimes recruit for your party.

A big part of the game is crawling through underground bunkers left from before the apocalypse.

They come with all modern amenities.

There are also levels which takes place outdoors, but they use the same raycast engine.

You can encounter a multitude of enemies.

And also be a victim of surprise attacks.

As for the more technical part, the level editor is custom built as part of the game, allowing me to toggle into editor mode whenever I want, to make adjustments as I test it out.

For the graphics, I use 3d renders of characters, and some custom filters I've written to make them look more pixel styled.

And I am doing a similar thing to process textures for walls/floors/ceiling.

Edited by @Mattias_G on
Procedural RPG progress -

SIMD enhanced simplex noise
procedurally composed npc sprites

tree sprites, and depth!

Procedural RPG progress -

SIMD enhanced simplex noise
procedurally composed npc sprites

I am also using monogame. So I was wandering how are U doing SIMD is it by using System.Numerics.Vectors assembly or through loading c code off DLL.