Handmade Network»AxeForge

Recent Activity

By the power of SDL2 texture manipulation I'm able to get a decent fog of war effect


The game is up on itch! Feel free to leave any feedback.



The game is now content complete!

Key Updates:

- All hastily planned skills and units are in! and I also added a turn indicator so players know whose turn it is. 
- Skills change as you put skill points into them but skill points are limited and only earned after conquering a floor.
- All units improve their stats as floors are cleared. 
- Later on its possible for the player to encounter bosses and elite units.
- Enemies are now properly hidden in the fog.

Tomorrow is all about fine tuning and uploading the build for both Windows and Linux!


The game can be won and lost now! Granted its currently missing content but that's what tomorrow is for. Skill progression is also in as well through skill points.

I decided to not add scrolling combat text. I felt it wasn't necessary currently but it is still possible if there is time for polish later on.

Tomorrows plan:

- All skills implemented
- All units implemented
- Unit attribute progression
- Hide enemy units that are in fog


The unit and skills refactor took longer than I wanted, but in the end it's way easier to add skills and units to the game. Regardless much was accomplished. Combat is fully functional and the game is now turn based.

Tomorrows plan:

- Skill progression
- All Gui content, things like the victory/defeat screens, skill icons, combat text, current floor text, etc.
- Win and loss conditions


Got basic skill functionality working! Along with some gui work to show what skills are being used. Switched to 8way movement.

Tomorrows plan:

- Refactor units and skills to make it simple to add new units and skills. With how things are currently, implementing interesting skills aren't possible or will cost too much development time due to the current unit and skill code.

- Turn system
- Fully functioning combat! Its time for units to kill each other and have their skills actually cost mana
- Skill progression
- All Gui content, things like the victory/defeat screens, skill icons, combat text, current floor text, etc.


Despite the day feeling a bit slower compared to yesterdays progress, still made very good progress! Especially when compared to last year's day 2. Still no turn system yet though.

- Added health and mana bars for both player and ai units
- Added basic wanderer and zombie ai
- Started work on the skill system! Each skill has its own target grid(yellow highlights) along with an effect cursor(green highlights).

Plans for tomorrow:

8-Way movement. This works best because of how I want skills to work.
Add basic skills and unit to unit combat


Compared to last year, this day 1 is miles ahead. Currently I have basic movement, dungeon generation, fog of war and sight radius going.

As far as more under the hood things, I have unit generation working nicely but no unit variety yet.

Tomorrow's plan is to add basic combat and gui.