I would just like to say thank you for creating this debugger. It's nice to have a "just works" st…
Ok, if are not doing single translation builds (unity builds) then that's not a problem. It's only…
Thanks for the answer, it made it really clear but I didn't get the last part, Cleaner builds. I d…
There are multiple reason to do this way: Hot reloading. If you want to reload game dll at runtime…
Why on the platform layer we have function pointers inside functions? I do see this pattern very c…
Hi Scr3am. Appreciate the kind words. Being able to specify an alternate source file root is a nec…
I have recently published the seventh Lua tutorial for the nCine. It should get you covered with t…
you're not keeping any pointers to functions inside dll that gets unloaded? :) Sorry, it seems I m…
Ah Damn! I completely forgot about the window callback function pointer! Thank you very much both …
Ah, yep. Good catch. That will do it. Cannot have pointers to functions in dll across reloads. you…
If I understand correctly: window creation and its window procedure callback are both in the DLL, …
Are you not running out of space in this buffer? Because on every reload you're putting extra str…
Thanks Martins, Where is the code that does PeekMessage ? Inside dll that runs part of frame() fun…
On Windows the "window" (HWND) does not care about dll where it is created. Does not matter what d…
Hello Everyone, I have made a very simple hot reloading host program, that just loads the function…
Version 0.5 changelogNew ui system.Improved basic html layout.Improved log messages.Added text fil…
Hello there ! I am still using this amazing debugger ! Thanks again for this gem. However I had an…
Pretty sure you're supposed to put __locals in watch window. Check the readme.txt for other things…
Hi there, I just bought RemedyBG but can't seem to find the locals window. Thanks
RemedyBG is now available for download. Present a message if the README.txt cannot be open…
@x13pixels Awesome! Thank you!
"For 2D orthographic rendering I would not worry about near and far planes at all, instead just ma…
Hi. I've been using RemedyBG occasionally for a while now, and whenever I need it, I'm a happy cus…
Metal clips z in NDC space to [0,1] just like D3D. Compared to OpenGL's default [-1;+1]. From ima…
I've been working with my own software renderer for a little while, but I've decided its time to d…
RemedyBG is available for download with the following new features, improvements, and bug …
With the Wheel Reinvention Jam just over a week away, we’re very pleased to finally release the …
@PotatoRotato, This will be available in the next release.
I will be happy to take a look and see what it would take to enable this.