ryalla —
Another classic is Steve Yegge's Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns. There are good things to lear…
I think you'd be able to do it pretty easy actually! In this picture, elevation is a fictitious c…
I've updated with keyboard input and support for day 30 code.
Still need controller support but i…
Is it possible, or planned that there will be elevation added to tiles? I was thinking along the …
Thanks for the answer. Since I had some time, I checked the assembly and did some test with rdtsc…
After hearing a mention of the Shame Owl's origins (Copenhagen), I found a few handy links.
One thing to look at is the kinds of procedural generation used by successful games.
I think mos…
Keep the link in the email you received. Once Casey does more streams he uploads it and you can d…
Hi there, bought the pre-order but that was before I owned my account, now I got the 30 days wort…
I'm not sure how Casey plans to handle "Sparseness" with Tilemaps, but this seems like one way yo…
And BMP is basically the equivalent to WAVE in the image world - it has some headers, and then a …
It is true they should be one language, but C++ is not the answer to everything, C++ is a overcom…
Bjarne Stroustrup: Why the Programming Language C Is Obsolete
Assuming that one paid relatively well, for a game like Binding of Isaac Rebirth, how much (ballp…
Since we are using four sided Tilemaps where each sides may or may not have exits, can we use a s…
Mike —
:woohoo: I'm on board!
Hello to everybody, it's going to be one cool journey.
Another commonly referenced "introduction to why OOP is bad":
The simple way to put my problem with OOP is that it is "noun based" instead of "verb based".
A …
I don't know if OOP is less optimal or not, but i like OOP concept of group code in classes , fee…
Well I feel thoroughly chastised after reading that. I did 2 years as a CS major before …
After I recently got sound working (somewhat) in my platform layer using ALSA, I figured I should…
OOP culture promotes bad practices, you should be thinking about the data you are working on and …
There is no reason to use OOP.
No not a problem, I appreciate your opinion! I mean, a great deal of what I was proposing was adm…
This may have been answered in a Stream that I missed, or have not gotten to yet, but since we're…
I can guarantee you it's not the port or the microphone :) If you record the audio from the micro…
This might be a personal opinion kind of answer, but I've always considered good boss designs in …
Not saying this is the solution, just a possible solution I just thought of. Since as the "chambe…
epsilon I noticed that the current tile layout occludes half of a tile on each side of the chambe…
The idea behind the pre-stream questions is that they are meant to be transient and off-topic. I…