(Eternal) Screenshot Saturday -- Post images/gifs/videos of your game or other project!

You can do some SIMD with system.numerics.vectors but it is pretty limited. No ceiling, no floor, no convert, no shifting. So you can't speed up perlin/simplex noise any (at least I haven't managed to find a way). Good news - ceiling, floor, and convert are coming! Which would make it possible to do perlin/simplex noise directly in C# a lot faster. Shift left and shift right they are working on but there are some issues with making that happen, so it might not happen.

So yeah I 'm just calling C++

You can see my setup here:

FastNoise is the C++ Code

Noise.cs in the C# project is what calls it.
You need to get chunks at a time as calling to C++ from C# has some cost. I'm grabbing 64x64 blocks of noise at a time at the moment, which seems to work fine.I haven't benchmarked an optimum scheme yet.

latest screenshot! working on the UI for talking to npcs:

Edited by Jack Mott on
I have a framework for game development and general creative coding i've been putting together. I'm not sure what exactly the future plans for it are, but i'd like to share it here anyway.
These screenshots and gifs are from two projects i've made using that framework.
This is a digital companion game

And this is a little graphics-toy, doesn't do much, just looks cool

( credit where it's due: inspired heavily by Sam Chivers )

Digital companion game gif
Tetrahedron game in motion
A small game I made last week-end during a "game jam" on the website developpez.com, using a custom engine I'm slowly enhancing over time:

The jam's theme was "It's the end of the world!"

Some in-development pictures here.

The game can be downloaded from here.

Sorry, everything is in French :/

Edited by Guntha on
Things got a little bit prettier, new features have been added, and code is deep into refactoring.

Took some time during thanksgiving to make a toy Mandelbrot explorer. Simple color mapping looks pretty nice:

Here's the github repo.
I got an error on Windows 7 because of the SetProcessDipAwarenessContext function which requires Windows 10 at minimum.
Made a lot of structural changes to the engine to allow serializing maps and make features customizable, then I began integrating dear imgui two days ago to create map editing tools.

Here is a first draft of a rocket editor:
A tiny sample of what I can currently do with scripting...

A dump of recent progress, not in chronological order:

Threaded automatic save/load, including animated "saving" doodle (the only visual part of that feature):

An archive that contains a set of levels, including meta-data about how levels are unlocking each other (this gif is from March 13th):

Medals after completing a level:

The look of a locked level in the main menu:

The settings menu (has been slightly improved since this video was published):

With better colors and a few fixes: