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Handmade Network»Feed
Gaurav Gautam
There was a lot of thinking to figure out why doing the elimination converted the Identity to the …
Thank you so much Mārtiņš. Strange, why this was not segfaulting. BTW Mārtiņš do you have a …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
In server.c this line: file_cursor += byte_counter; should actually be this:
I'm trying to copy a files using TCP. I only intend for this to be over localhost (so MTU is 65536…
Gaurav Gautam
That article is really nice, I can recognize some of the function names from the codebase of react…
Seems that dlclose never actually unloads the library image from the address space and just reuses…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
So, then if there is only one OS thread that will be executing N fibers, then how does it make sen…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Having such global variable should not change how rest of code works. It should work. You are expe…
Hi folks, I have a code reloading system similar to the one detailed in Day 21 and I've recently b…
Skytrias | Michael Kutowski
One of the recent topics I dove into for my project Todool was Spell Checking. Obviously spell che…
Gaurav Gautam
Hello, I was reading the code of reactjs and it uses fibers to process the virtual dom. And I foun…
Gaurav Gautam
Hmm I see yeah I don't know why I would want to paint when its moving...
Gaurav Gautam
I see, that explains why I wasn't getting the WM_PAINT message when I was calling just UpdateWindo…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
The main reason to have drawing in WM_PAINT is because that is only code executed when you are mov…
Simon Anciaux
The UpdateWindow function updates the client area of the specified window by sending a WM_PAINT me…
Gaurav Gautam
On day4 we have the animated weird gradient. To do this we have a backbuffer to which we write the…
Macoy Madson
This article is mirrored on my blog. In my last article I wrote about integrated development envir…
Gaurav Gautam
i see, so there is no need to make the whole memory reachable in each thing that is unionized
Simon Anciaux
You can also skip the top level struct and removed the ignored members:
Gaurav Gautam
To get the v3 from v4 he made the struct like this: But why can't we do it like the v3 and v2. I t…
Gaurav Gautam
Hello, remedybg version: I am using the commands add-breakpoint-at-file and start-debuggin…
Gaurav Gautam
Thankyou. It will fit in the drive I ordered :)
Mārtiņš Možeiko
My guess is that supporting Android will probably require first doing Linux support as they are ve…
Simon Anciaux
As far as I know there isn't. x13pixels generally posts a new thread in the forum when there is a …
Simon Anciaux
EDIT: The layout of xml was making it look like it wasn't well formed, but it is well formed. So t…
Benjamin Pedersen
Thank you. I did not know about that.
Asaf Gartner
I added a CDATA section, but now FreshRSS isn't parsing the contents as HTML. We might just need t…
Is Android debugging support planned?
Hello! Is there any option to get to know about RemedyBG updates without going to Maybe email sub…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, the bitrate is much higher in later days. Currently total size is 1.4TB as you can see in the…