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Handmade Network»Feed
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Not sure what you mean by loading global guids. There are no guids in dll's. What are you loading?…
If I include the initguid.h file, do I still need to load the global GUIDs from the DLL with LoadPr…
I was wondering if anyone tried to use Remedy with Rust and how the experience was. It should prob…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, you can define INITGUID yourself. That's the only purpose of initguid.h header - you can open…
When I looked through the source code, I saw a lot of #ifdef for INITGUID and DEFINE_GUID. Can I j…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
You cannot link to dxguid.lib dynamically. Why would you want that? It is a static library. You ju…
I'm currently trying to use d3d11 in c. I need to use IID_ globals which need the dxguid lib. Is t…
Thanks for the repro. I'll take a look.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
There is one important thing missing from this. If application owns the clipboard data and then te…
I was just planning to implement that, so this will certainly be useful information.
Hello, I was trying to implement a font rasterizer by following your guide and i found some bugs t…
Working with X11 can quickly become neck-beard inducing. Thank you for saving us all in this parti…
I've been struggling with this for some time, so when I finally figured it out, I thought it would…
When stepping into machine code that was generated at runtime the Disassembly window does not jump…
Gaurav Gautam
Yes that was it! With the ++ used two times in the V2 expression wronggrass1.png With the indices…
My gut feeling is that you are hitting the undefined behavior related to when a post increment get…
Gaurav Gautam
Hi Simon, On Day 81 the ground bitmaps were loaded and their X and Y coordinates were randomly gen…
Gaurav Gautam
I think I had read in the remedybg README that this is also possible in some way in remedy. I don'…
I figured out a way to get the Visual Studio debugger to work for me and from what you've said, it…
Simon Anciaux
The API hasn't changed much in the last few releases, it was mostly bug fixes, so the article shou…
Gaurav Gautam
I'm not sure if you are talking about a program that has not been compiled with debug symbols (i.e…
Is it possible to automatically attach RemedyBG to a program as soon as the program starts ? It's …
Gaurav Gautam
Yeah I have that already. But thats sold as a game not courseware.
Just saw the email. Thank you very much! The link works now.
I sent you an email.
I was able to follow along with the link a week ago and everything I tried still held up (custom h…
I see. Thats very helpful thank you.
Is it still something worth looking into now that it's publicly maintained? The getting started li…
Simon Anciaux
There were a few streams (I believed called "4coder Fridays") but I don't know if they are on you…