Is it still something worth looking into now that it's publicly maintained? The getting started li…
There were a few streams (I believed called "4coder Fridays") but I don't know if they are on you…
In handmade hero, Casey started with emacs, than switched to 4coder. In some stream he mentioned t…
I'm still early on in the series but does Casey ever go over from the ground up how he swapped to …
No, I have only used itch to purchase remedybg and it worked for me on the first go. So, I don't r…
tkotha —
Hey Gautam, I think my case is very odd, because I don't see that page. I've contacted itch io sup…
I am waiting for starcode galaxy so hard. And now hearing that its not free I'm even more excited.…
I'm not sure how is working for you. However, for me, once I bought the debugger, I can al…
Logix —
Hey all. I've been using 4Coder with the provided fleury customizations (as well as a few of my ow…
Hey Simon I was doing day 78 and Basically then this is saying, turn off collision with stairwell …
When you include files in a Visual Studio project, visual studio will compile every .c and .cpp fi…
I'm using my own reader, which I will fix when I've got the time. At the moment it checks if entri…
With data-driven programming, there is no need to use fibers, because you only have a few large ta…
Thank you that worked perfectly. Do you mind explaining/pointing to why exactly including the othe…
You mean you are creating new VS prject and adding all the files there? You must be careful to mak…
Your analysis is correct. The post/update date is based on the post itself, and not on the approva…
I'm trying to load the code for day 11 into visual studio 2022. I've already built in sln and I ke…
Jason —
I originally was introduced to the concept a few years ago with this talk from a lead programmer f…
I don't have any posts missing from my rss reader (FreshRSS). The one you linked is there.
This is a guess based on some observation from the last few weeks. It seems to me that new user me…
A quick reminder to look at this issue.
Each translation units produce a .obj file. It means if you pass 3 files to the compiler (like cl …
Handmade hero, assumes that you already know a little bit how to program. There is an introduction…
tkotha —
Hi x13pixels, I recently purchased RemedyBG from itch io, but a weird processing error happened wh…
Does a header file consider a .obj file? How does the "put all your "inline" functions in a .h fil…
Compiler generates obj file for every translation unit you compile. It puts everything from this t…
Does the compiler still generate .obj files for the "inline" functions?
mmd32 —
... and learn algorithms, data structures, API design etc?
If you put functions in .h file as "inline" functions, then they can be inlined. Of course you sho…
Although this is not a very important reason - as there are ways to do this in normal builds too, …