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Handmade Network»Feed
The only point in using OpenGL over Vulkan was supporting more platforms than Vulkan. Now that Ope…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
That would be very strange choice - to not choose GL because macOS is dropping support for it and …
While considering that Macintosh is dropping OpenGL support from being an obsolete mess of a compl…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
The bugginess is still there on every implementation. I would not recommend shipping OpenGL on win…
A bit new here to this tool, and have had some success with formatting some things based on the do…
You can browse site - filter out specific things, based on OS or GPU. And see what kind of versio…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
On Windows there are some lower end Intel gpu's that do not support more than GL 4.4 (or even earl…
I thought I might've asked this question before but couldn't find it when browsing my previous pos…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Have not read it myself, but I have heard good things about A Retargetable C Compiler Design and I…
Bitwise videos look okay to me at first glance - pretty much how I did it many years ago. Besides …
One word: cruft. The DOM evolved in the (early?) 90s as a structure+API for static HTML page layou…
Linux (Mint and MX) as the path of least resistance. I used to do some linux hacking and hobby osd…
daMuzza, At the moment, the documentation is available upon request. It will eventually be include…
It's very good for the front-end and there's some good wisdom there it's hard to find elsewhere. B…
Macoy Madson
This post is mirrored on my blog. It has been a while since I felt the need to add features and ma…
Gaurav Gautam
Ah yes, I didn't think about size of the array of references being huge.
Ok so having a single shader that handles everything seems to be the best thing to do.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
If you start adding more customized shaders for drawing different primitives, then you should do b…
Simon Anciaux
Like Benjipede said, you want to send a single drawcall for all rectangles, and a single drawcall …
Can I start learn from bitwise videos how create compiler if I noob in languages design? Or I need…
Thanks, this is an interesting technique. But if we have very specialized shaders for each shape, …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
If you're drawing text from font atlas then you can get rectangle drawing very cheaply with same s…
Benjamin Pedersen
I haven't written an immediate mode gui myself, but from what I understand most don't do it like y…
Hi, I'm writing a small UI library in IMGUI style, and I wonder how to reduce the number of draw c…
Ben Visness
Ah yes, now I know why that would be happening! I've made this issue to track it. Probably won't h…
I don't see any documentation for the named pipe control in the readme file?
Simon Anciaux
Try from this page From this thread it's working. Maybe it's only an issue from sub domain ?
Just tried this, I am also unable to reproduce this glitch.
Ben Visness
I can't reproduce this - when I log in from this very forum thread, I am taken straight here. Even…
Ben Visness
I swear I tested that. And yes, the page is different - I went through yesterday and updated all o…