Handmade Network»Feed
I would think something like lighting would be part of the engine and would do inside of the engi…
Kim Jørgensen
Casey, will you code this or other supporting tools on the stream? /Kim
Casey, Is there by chance a command you use to close braces? after writing (, { or [ do you inpu…
Than the deltaP computation must be done for all entities before any other entity movement right?…
Thanks mmozeiko for this very interesting and complete answer. I'll definitely take the time to w…
Casey Muratori
I actually do have a copy of Sprite DLight. Unfortunately it's still pretty early and doesn't re…
Casey Muratori
Well, we'll get to this in the series when we do final collision detection. But you might be abl…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Casey answered in one of Q&A about reason not to use references. Don't remember which one. I…
Hey everyone, Looking at the overall code, Casey almost never uses references for method argumen…
In addition to normal map creation: I made 2007 a normal map generator which generates normal map…
Andras Koczka
Hi Casey, I have found these two apps earlier that are for generating normal maps from 2D sprite…
Ginger Bill
Dunjun What is this series? I have been making a video series where I document and demonstrate t…
Joel Davis
It is indeed a huge headache. If you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, check out ampasCT…
Simon Anciaux
Ok, thanks for the answers.
Hi there, in Handmade Hero we use a line intersection test to determine the actual time of impac…
Clang did freak out on me compiling the bottom one. It seemed to think there was only 3 elements …
Casey Muratori
Man, film/video industry compositing must be a huge headache... it's basically the nexus point wh…
Casey Muratori
I don't think there's any reason not to do it that way, but I guess I haven't tried it... it look…
Simon Anciaux
Since every part of a union is always accessible, is there a reason to not write v4 like this : …
Andrew Bromage
e1211 Yeah, absolutely. I was coming from thinking about stuff like stars where you can't assess …
Andrew Bromage
cmuratori My assumption is that you want linear color values, premulitplied by linear alpha, ever…
Casey Muratori
Yes, there is a limit! Once you get to the point where the size of the projected image on your r…
Yeah, absolutely. I was coming from thinking about stuff like stars where you can't assess the be…
Casey Muratori
Yeah. Keep in mind that neither way is "wrong", it's just that I wanted to make sure to point ou…
Casey Muratori
Yeah, it is an unfortunately common mistake for people to think that the apparent brightness of l…
Hi everyone, in the stream yesterday (#96), Casey underlined "illumination is constant along a li…
Jon Valdes
You do have a point there. You can reuse code more easily with your method. I guess your teachin…
It was cool to see that after my quick question pre-stream, you actually devoted half the episode…
Casey Muratori
jon_valdes Well, it's just 1 line of code regardless of how many possible scenes you have. A swit…
Jon Valdes
Oh, yes, I meant the dll init function does it automatically, I'm not doing anything manually :)