Handmade Network»Feed
Lachlan Easton
"I will only ever, ever make one game that involves moving a character... Ever. I’ll only make on…
I second the question; and I'll add three of my own. A.) Aren't we violating the "make the usage…
Regarding last night's stream about refactoring the low and high entity logic (I haven't watched …
Gavin Williams
I've just been browsing through the episode guide, and just everything about this project, from t…
Benjamin Kloster
That's the difference between reserving memory and committing it. Reserving with MEM_RESERVE just…
DaleKim [...] Going back to the "sample" code, if I did in fact change the code to remove the co…
Hey, I'm following the stream on Youtube and I'm quite far behind with day 15. I'm a physics stu…
Casey Muratori
Vislor The Mischief support people got back to me, they were able to reproduce the issue on their…
Jeff Buck
For the OS X platform layer that I did, I picked OpenGL because: We'll probably use OpenGL in …
Roderic Bos
I can confirm that the last version opens both blackboard.art files fine! So keep drawing the bea…
Dale Kim
I knew Casey said it somewhere, and I found where he said it on a Jeff and Casey show episode: ht…
David Owens II
Here's the Quartz2D guide: https://developer.apple.com/libra...ml#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001066
The Mischief support people got back to me, they were able to reproduce the issue on their end. …
James King
Interesting. I'll have to dig in more. Is there any recommended guides or advice for digging into…
Well, I am fine with Atom, no need to try the sublimetext nagware. Thing is that I want the featu…
Please ignore, been pointed at the episode guide!
Thank you! They moved :)
Iker Murga
You can now find them in the Episode Guide, after each week's links.
Hey, I found this site: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs.html very useful with my first struggles…
Just wondering where the illustrations have gone that were on the Coding Resources page? I liked…
Where have these gone? They were on the Coding Resources page but cant find them there anymore..…
Casey Muratori
We have tried many paint programs so I don't see the harm in trying another :) I'll take a look …
I also miss a forum search, but you just need the liberation fonts for emacs to work with Caseys …
Christopher Fedor
I am looking at Caseys dot emacs file right now and trying to get it working. I am missing the co…
Casey Muratori
sol_hsa You also assume that your brain is completely off Handmade Hero while you're not streami…
Vadim Borodin
I don't think that by using Quartz/CoreGraphics you are really getting "closer to the metal" on O…
Thanks, but ... well, I want to use Caseys .emacs file. Which isn't what emacs comes with and it …
Jari Komppa
cmuratori I would assume there is no way it will take less than 2 years. There is no question th…
Christopher Fedor
From past experience it is simply best to learn the commands a particular editor wants you to use…