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Handmade Network»Feed
Sean Jones
I'm currently following a long with the series but I am behind (episode 20). When running handmad…
Wow, what a coincidence! Yesterday I started to implement a platform layer using XCB on my Raspbe…
Bert Proesmans
Due to school exams and gift preparations for the holidays i'm already a week behind. Because of …
Right, question answered I was being dim.. : )
Thomas Frase
The search already exists, it's just not linked anywhere: https://forums.handmadehero.org/index.…
Roderic Bos
For now your only option is google just add site:handmadehero.org in your search query. Not rea…
Roderic Bos
Casey talked about a tiled world, but will the player character be centered or do we go oldskool …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
cmuratori No - we do not know that the audio clock is at all synchronized with the other clocks, …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
theinternetftw And if you want to dive deep into GPUs, check out this absolutely fantastic course…
Marc Novakowski
Maybe I'm missing it but -- is there a way to search on the forums? I have an idea but I want to…
Casey Muratori
The shipping game will run on both software and hardware interchangeably. The renderer will be f…
Jeff Buck
You probably have a better chance of finding a Higgs Boson in the code... - Jeff
Now spawning only one cmd process which is calling all commands (shell.bat, build.bat and win32_h…
David Roguin
Just my guess, but Casey will have to write its own render and rasterizer functions (CGL) that ar…
Filipe Rasoilo
You're welcome. I have also added the two talks Casey has posted above to that thread. Just so t…
Filipe Rasoilo
These were just posted by Casey in response to a recent thread. I haven't watched any of them. B…
Sergio González
The talk I was looking for was on the third post =) The speaker is Chandler Carruth: link to vid…
Casey Muratori
Chandler Carruth: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/G...e-Care-and-Feeding-of-C-s-Dragons http://c…
Filipe Rasoilo
I am not sure exactly which talk that is. Take a look at this thread where people have posted som…
Sergio González
I apologize if this has been asked before, but I didn't find a search feature in the forums. Cas…
Andrew Bromage
"purely abstract virtual members devoid of body, and perhaps, purpose" The resource which is not…
Casey Muratori
keffer_ I can highly recommend the series of lectures by Raymond Luxury-Yacht entitledIt's spelle…
Karl Kirch
Sweet, thanks @ChrisG0x20, I figured I was doing something dumb.... Just needed to set that in th…
Make sure to define HANDMADE_INTERNAL=1
... and this must explain your abhorrence of OOP in C++ with its own religion involving things li…
Keith Nicholson
I can highly recommend the series of lectures by Raymond Luxury-Yacht entitled 'Is The Variable c…
Karl Kirch
Been making a little progress on this but running into a little thing. Perhaps @ifrombit or @cmu…
Andrew Bromage
That does explain why Haskell is usually considered unsuitable for games, being an astrephist lan…
Martin Cohen
Hm, now I'm kinda scared to admit that I'm also watching the pre-streams on Twitch just to not mi…
Casey Muratori
I wouldn't necessarily say that The Variable was a "joke" per se. It is simply something that we…