Backend dev here, mainly in jvm land, but also some fullstack web dev, but never really delved in…
Try (pseudo)randomizing the wave. In the for loop for generating a square wave, randomize all the…
I know @ifrombit has a good handle on an objc port of the handmade code.
Was wondering if there w…
Chris —
My first brush with programming was typing in code from Nibble magazine into the family Apple IIe…
Haha. Guess there's no point in voting now. I was in favor of the regular schedule except for the…
Greetings - first of all - from Germany!
I get started watching Handmadehero since some weeks -…
Thanks for replying, everyone. The vote seems overwhelmingly in favor of the regular schedule, s…
That is very odd! I have no idea why that would be happening, although admittedly there are ofte…
Yes, based on your description I would say you are compiling in 32-bit windows which is not going…
For my it was the 32bit vs the 64bit compiler
size_t on 64 bit is same as int but on 32 its uns…
rich —
Thanks for replying. That was how I originally tried to 'fix' my problem, but ended up casting as…
I've gotten to the point where we got our sound buffer working and we're filling it with a square…
I cannot help you with the loop problem itself but two things did catch my eye.
uint64 and size_…
I'm fine with the regular schedule too!
Regular schedule IS the fun stuff ;)
If you feel like you need to do the fun stuff or postpone a…
Happy to stick with the regular schedule, although as it's the holiday you should be allowed some…
Started programming in 1981, when I was 11. Got my first job in the game industry in 1993 and nev…
Tim —
I am also for keeping the schedule. During work weeks I'm often unable to view the stream live, e…
I can't live without the stream, so I'm for a regular schedule. It's a long wait even from Friday…
Regular schedule is fine with me.
rich —
I am getting warnings (treated as errors with compiler settings) for conversions from uint64 to s…
Keep on the regular schedule. *cough* when is the 24 hour live stream *cough*
I vote for continue with regular schedule. But please keep videos to 1.5-2h limit. Don't do 2.5-3…
Bigpet —
I hate this "codergears" website. Their "articles" are mostly devoid of content and only used to …
I want more rather than less. It should be 8 hours a day or we will never finish this game! I bet…
Ziad —
I think it's nice to work on "fun stuff". Optimization is an important skill to pick up!
You are archiving the whole thing and you did say you'll answer questions from previous streams, …
royh —
For Thanksgiving I could only watch 2 of the streams and had a daunting backlog to catch up with …
This is an interesting piece about Oculus Rift and "modern C++". Note that it slightly misunderst…
Oni —
The regular schedule seems fine, I'm really curious about how you intend to architecture HH.