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Handmade Network»Feed
John Meyer
Fun sounds good to me. I like fun. I can safely say I am a fan of fun in all its various forms.
Casey Muratori
Hey guys! I am trying to figure out what would work best for everyone in terms of the Handmade H…
John Meyer
cmuratori That is always going to be true, though, since we always write from the last place we s…
Casey Muratori
That is always going to be true, though, since we always write from the last place we stopped wri…
Patrick Lahey
Here is frame rate data for a case with popping. It from the day 25 code. My previous output ha…
Ruy Calderon
This may be going down the wrong path, and I apologize if so, but are you setting TSine = 0 in Ha…
Patrick Lahey
Something very weird is going on. I recorded all of the samples that we place into the sound buf…
Just watched a couple of video talks about c++ game development and thought it was very interesti…
Thanks, I actually tried that but it doesn't make any difference as far as I can tell. Might be w…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I think on Linux you could use fallocate function to allocate space in file. On OSX fallocate doe…
Another approach is to seek to the end of the file descriptor and then write a single byte to rea…
Casey Muratori
Yes, as you suspected, I will be showing how to do this when we get to hardware acceleration late…
Casey Muratori
(also, are you running vcvarsall.bat?) - Casey
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Kladdehelvete Can you test the Linux build against the Win build on the same hardware, please? So…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
Nice and interesting post. Can you test the Linux build against the Win build on the same hardw…
Ok, I switched to mmap mostly since Casey started to map files on the windows side. It works fine…
Steve Olsen
The way casey architected the game layer gives a lot of power. Because it only uses the passed in…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
reecpj (I believe a code build takes 30 minutes) to change a single shader value for instance. W…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
ChrisG0x20 I've not tried to benchmark this. I'd be very surprised to learn that AWE offers some …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Then you should be fine. Have you run shell.bat file? Can you show output of following command: "…
I'm using 2013 ultimate
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Are you using Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition to compile, or something else?
Mārtiņš Možeiko
After watching Day 25 I want to comment on memory bandwidth thing. I seriously doubt any code wil…
I tried to run the very first program casey made, include wibdows.h and winmain, but when i cled …
Here is an interesting article: http://www.codeproject.com/Articl...Quantifying-The-Accuracy-Of-S…
I also have this problem, but subtracting from the sleep is not enough on my system. I actually h…
Casey Muratori
This is very interesting and good to know. We should probably put some kind of rate control into…
montysan I've had a similar problem. I'm on windows 8 if that helps narrow it down? I found that …
Ville Penttinen
Getting VS to compile the DLL project while debugging is annoying. One way to do it is to setup a…
Tom Montgomery
I've been trying to keep both the build.bat, and a Visual Studio version going at the same time. …