Professionally, I am a Technical Artist at EA (as of a few months), using the monolithic Frostbit…
I'm disabled.. but i'm still able to edit code and if I save and BSOD appear.. :(
Also known as the poor man's profiler.
Hmm... this is interesting. Can you check to see if the sleep() is also causing you to miss your…
There is a good chance that your box is slower due to the fact that you're on a mobile chipset an…
Lazy Sunday thread.
My main home machine is a Macbook Pro 15 Retina with the following specs:
Fascinating to see how many people with different backgrounds are following the project!
Thanks Bigpet and Casey for your answers. I should have guessed because you keep saying you want …
matra —
In day 25 we run into lags in Win32BeginRecordingInput. I'll try to explain white the lag happens…
Sounds like Edit and Continue might be causing something to crash? I'm not sure if it's enabled b…
Are there anyone accident edit source code in VS2013(debugger)?? and save.
when I'm do that it's…
Let's step back for a minute and think about what you're actually trying to do.
There is a deep …
One way to do mixins without function pointers, that is more powerful than (multiple) inheritance…
I'm a bit behind so I just finished the audio marathon lecture and, although my sound system timi…
Huh, that makes sense, I didn't think about it from the perspective of the processor, just the pr…
There are a few reasons why you'd want your update step to be fixed independent of the frame rate…
@norswap: He mentions it here (Intro to C, Day 5, Q&A):…
Actually you are helped by the nature of the profiling process, which is to say that when you are…
It's in a much earlier video. Multiple inheritance is a very poorly thought out and executed atte…
Just getting back home now, but that's really cool, thanks for the read! One of the reasons I tho…
Just a note for any sublime users, if you don't want to have to launch sublime text from an alrea…
I missed the part where Casey talked about that. Is it in day 25? Does anyone have a pointer to t…
Thanks for the answer, Randy. I'm going to bash at least something to play around with to ease th…
I'm almost certain he'll be using some form of aggregation. Since he's allocating memory with a k…
No - we do not know that the audio clock is at all synchronized with the other clocks, so it may …
Yes - I suspect that our eventual platform layer will be completely reusable for basically any ga…
I *might* come up with something like this later next year. I was actually planning to do that ev…
Petri —
I was a designer/producer in a Finnish demo group Halcyon in the 90s. We started with Pascal, the…
Chris —
I've not tried to benchmark this. I'd be very surprised to learn that AWE offers some performance…
Casey touched on this in response to a comment, but the platform layer is intentionally the oppos…