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Handmade Network»Feed
Andre Bauland
Hello everyone, I've followed this series on the youtubes and watched every video and coded my w…
Andrew Bromage
It's semantically equivalent, and that may help with understanding. This is an aside, but even a…
Andrew Bromage
If your stdlib is any good, then it probably selects an algorithm based on the size, the architec…
nxsy, that is really cool stuff. Have you ever done any similar low-level code for Wayland?
Tom Montgomery
Makes sense, especially if the game code runs similarly on each platform. Guess I'm just used to …
Nines Baobaberson
Ah, yes, I was going to vote for a slight delay as well, but only because I'm already rather behi…
Andrew Bromage
Without having looked at the website closely, I'm inclined to agree. Nonetheless, the fact that t…
hrm. I'm sorry I just forgot the optimization flag. Now the results seems more plausible: 1 2 …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Can you check assembly code for CopyWithSSENoCache function? Something isn't right there. And you…
FYI, I did a naïve port of your code to mac os x and did a run on my 2012 retina macbook pro. I g…
Neil Blakey-Milner
I'm leaving audio for last - it is the most code, and it is the thing I know the least about. I'…
Cool! It is easy for me to get sucked into doing one particular part of a program and easily forg…
Woah. This is cool! I started playing around with Xlib (actually I'm using CLX and following alon…
Ruy Calderon
Oh. My. God. That is so freaking cool! Thanks for sharing this trick, I'm sure I'm not the only o…
Speaking of the poor man's profiler, here's a neat trick for the Visual Studio debugger: if you a…
Anyone interested in tasklists and using EMACS should check out ORG-mode (which is built into ema…
Neil Blakey-Milner
As forewarned in the stream chat, my holiday project is to write an XCB (X protocol C-language Bi…
There's no simple way to identify the return type and parameter types of the XInputGetState funct…
Sorry to revive this, I am stuck here as well. Thanks to steelgolem and christianrohr and garlan…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Btw, you could look on switch statement as a series of comparisons and goto's, if that is easier …
Ruy Calderon
EDIT: Overkill, explained much more succinctly above Further reading: http://msdn.microsoft.com…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Alternative would be to use if statement: 1 2 3 4if (Message==WM_SYSKEYDOWN || Message==WM_SYSKEY…
That's...the only way to do it that I know of? The only alternative is to copy and paste the sam…
Class GenericHuman
Oh, okay. We are catching all those cases in one case. Thanks. Also, can you tell what the reason…
This isn't a day 25 thing. But anyway, yes, you're right. That's exactly what should happen. Bas…
Class GenericHuman
Sorry for printing out the code like this but I think it would make it easier to understand my qu…
Considering how often he'll change some things in the Q&A, I can't confidently skip them and …
Mike Oldham
My catch up technique is to watch at 2x speed on you tube, and skip the Q&A. This lets you se…
I've been into programming for like 8 years. I've got a BS in Computer Science and work as a Java…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I think this is because we don't need to record/playback input on all platforms. For example, mos…