Thanks for the head's up on __builtin_readcyclecounter() - I didn't know about that. …
Jason —
mmozeiko Oh, sorry. My mistake.
If you build with command line, then you need to add "/I%DXSDK_DI…
It's great to see that handmade-hero is working as intended!
You can be proud casey!
One downside is the erronous errors on syntax checking and lack of code completion. If some IDE's…
If you mean do nothing about the WM_PAINT message Windows sends the program
I mean this…
Someone posted their Ludum Dare entry, that was kinda build on handmade hero code.
This is not even a coding question. But how far off topic do we consider off topic? For example…
Oh I see. I agree that their system is silly. I personally would have flipped the 31st bit beca…
It depends on what exactly you mean with not redrawing on WM_PAINT.
If you mean do nothing about…
Zach —
http://www.amazon.com/dp/0521592712/?tag=stackoverfl08-20 if often cited as being go…
Matt —
I know it's not used as much, but how about probability? I would really like to understand more a…
Matt —
I'm actually really surprised I'm one of two people from Texas. I figured there would be a few mo…
Ah, as I mentioned in another thread, I can help integrate the bot into a Flask or Pyramid app (I…
I can help maintain the code. The bot answers are great, and we just need to do something about …
I'll start.
Will the world burn if I don't redraw in WM_PAINT? Does it have bigger ramifications…
Filip —
Great to see so many people contributing!
I tried my hand at a "hybrid approach" where I set up …
Thank you Dghelneshi, so obvious copy and paste error!!!
Well, I know how inconcsistent my code …
I love the robot, but as I don't really see the stream chat since I have to concentrate on coding…
1WaveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = WaveFormat.nBlockAlign*WaveFormat.nBlockAlign;
This line is wrong…
Here is an interesting blog post by Bruce Dawson on Hidden Costs of Memory Allocation.
No changes, it still fails...
Oh, sorry. My mistake.
If you build with command line, then you need to add "/I%DXSDK_DIR%Include…
Not isometric per se, but roughly top-down, yes.
- Casey
Jason —
mmozeiko Oh, right Windows 7 SDK also includes older headers.
To use DirectX SDK headers you nee…
For more information about Windows XP see here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/ar...with-c-in-vis…
Oh, right Windows 7 SDK also includes older headers.
To use DirectX SDK headers you need to add …
Jason —
I started to download that SDK, but then thought I'd go look.
The Xinput file looks like it's be…
You are probably using xinput.h file from DirectX SDK, right?
VS2013 includes header files and l…
Jason —
I was following along with the video and was getting a compile error when I tried to do the loop …
has anyone tried cling yet ?
I usually don't work on windows so I do not have many chances to cat…