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Handmade Network»Feed
A recommended book on the topic: https://sites.google.com/site/lccretargetablecompiler/ This is…
Jeff Buck
@zenmumbler, You can load a nib file directly, but for simple menus, you might as well just crea…
Andrew Bromage
Thanks! I'll see what I can do.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, he reads the forums. See here: https://forums.handmadehero.org/i...orum/profile?view=user&am…
Vincenzo Auteri
Hello all, I liked until now how the separation between platform and game related code was done,…
I created a quick repo with the Xcode project etc at: https://github.com/zenmumbler/handmade-alt…
Andrew Bromage
Could you please put this in a repository? I have a controller that I can test it with, and I've …
Ah, you sound like you know quite a bit more about Cocoa APIs than I do. Looking forward to your …
Dafydd Brown
Ah great thanks very much for the info!
Jeff Buck
I have a Mac OS X shell working that only uses the native OS libraries. I used CoreAudio, HID inp…
Johan Öfverstedt
UplinkCoder Well, then. Lets go an make a compiler a everybody can understand ;) I cannot say…
Doing research here too. I have created hacks before that get it done but the Cocoa API seems to …
Björn Berggren
If you want to go at it programmatically: Carbon is old 32bit API that was developed to aid port…
So, what would be the preferred way to go for cocoa? I assume two main paths: (but I'm no expert …
Casey Muratori
Thanks for doing this conversion! I'm looking forward to seeing the native Mac layer... - Casey
Stefan Koch
Well, then. Lets go an make a compiler everybody can understand ;) I cannot say anything abou…
M. Symmes
I know you are looking for books, and I too like to read over video most of the time, but have yo…
Johan Öfverstedt
Kladdehelvete I already follow the videos of Jonathan Blow. And they are very interesting. (And I…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
I already follow the videos of Jonathan Blow. And they are very interesting. (And I missing more …
Johan Öfverstedt
AutoIconicity To get this thread back on the topic of texts on programming, I'm currently reading…
Well, this is pretty much all you'll ever need:
Johan Öfverstedt
rathersleepy In the work I currently do (embedded - litte memory, crappy CPU) I have found that …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
ryanries Thanks for the info, everyone. From what I understand, QPC will use RDTSC *if* Windows h…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
If you listen to people like Ray Kurzweil, and consider history you get the feeling that hardware…
Johan Öfverstedt
I would absolutely want to see that happen! I would never miss a show!
Ryan Ries
Thanks for the info, everyone. Just for everyone else's amusement and information, here is anoth…
Yes, I'm working right now on a the Mac platform file. It covers the window, keyboard input, audi…
Björn Berggren
Thanks! I've been trying to figure out how to do a os x platform layer. This helps a lot. Somewh…
Stefan Koch
please remember. I had to hack the source to get it to compile. Expect hiccups! The ValuePrinter …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
cmuratori __rdtsc is very important and you definitely want to use it _for profiling_. What MSDN…