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Handmade Network»Feed
Just updated the map (and moved most of the work to cartodb, which was a great idea). You can no…
Iker Murga
I think there might be something I don't understand in the logic of the windows message flags we …
should not the 64bit build flag be "vcvarsall amd64" ? ref -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/…
Casey Brant
I obviously can't speak for Casey, but you mention "in the general case", and in my experience it…
That did it - thank you mmozeiko! btw love the new c++11 features like lambdas, function, uniqu…
Oliver Holliday
Jeff, I'm way behind you with my own code but it seems you have the same bug I do. Whenever the w…
Thomas Schaub
The manual was wrong/imprecise, whatever you want to call it, and that is probably the most impor…
I recently started following this project on Linux (using lovely SDL port guide by David Gow). In…
Livet Ersomen Strøm
Larry_Croft I spent a couple of minutes writing an answer, but let's just say my mum wouldn't hav…
Jeff Buck
I usually use something like an MIT or BSD license on open source projects, but in the spirit of …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Oh, now errors happens on 64 line of xiosbase header. If you open it you'll see following: 1 stat…
Benjamin Kloster
Sanity check: if you remove the include directive for iostream, does it compile fine?
Sorry i tried to add that as well, here is the output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14…
Thomas Schaub
I spent a couple of minutes writing an answer, but let's just say my mum wouldn't have been proud…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, FPS was implemented in episode 10 with QueryPerformanceCounter, not timeGetTime. To measure…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Have you tried doing what error message is asking? To add /EHsc command-line argument for compiler.
Livet Ersomen Strøm
I read that article. But what if the problem is in his print routines? :) And what are the cases…
Martin Cohen
@Troncoso: I've already did that. But still I just want to support this. I already support a few …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
cmuratori So, in summary, there's just a lot of reasons why cross-platform development makes se…
Thomas Schaub
If you are wondering about whether or not to use the compiler switch for intrinsics, this might b…
Casey Muratori
I'm not sure I understand the question exactly, but here are some things to think about - I hope …
Casey Muratori
Mmozeiko's summary is correct. I think it may be interesting to do an Android port, so that is v…
Casey Muratori
To be honest, I was not prepared for the degree of enthusiasm that people have shown for the stre…
Bryan Davis
Hey guys, I was looking into the performance impact of passing by reference vs passing by value. …
Livet Ersomen Strøm
I'm not sure I understand why one wants to write portable code at all. I understand well the reas…
this might be out of the scope of this tutorial but I tried to compile the code with <iostream…
You can already support the stream by pre-ordering the game (link to the right).
Martin Cohen
Hi Casey, Just a suggestion: Have you thought about going for a Patreon.com account? In comparis…
Adrian McCarthy
Games being more complex is actually an argument for more automated testing, not against it. And…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I remember that in one of streams Casey said that he won't support iOS, because developing for it…