You can actually see that Visual Studio is pretty slow in answering those WM_PAINT commands. Just…
With decltype, you can even save the typedef.
Just thought I'd share a C++11 thing you can do for the XInput stubs.
5typedef DWORD WIN…
For now I opted to do "the right thing": repaint in WM_PAINT and adjust the viewport in WM_SIZE. …
Sorry for my late reply. I have been sick lately and havent had the time to fully investigat…
Dejan —
schme I'll start.
Will the world burn if I don't redraw in WM_PAINT? Does it have bigger ramific…
Bigpet —
I found the idea of "compression oriented programming" as Casey called it kind of interesting.
We can certainly try this and just use 60 for "unknown" modes, although it would be nice to know …
We should probably assume it's whatever the last thing was... so maybe we should use OldControlle…
According to MSDN: , you can additionally "…
Never saw that EnumDisplaySettings() return 0 or 1 in dmDisplayFrequency for "common" display mod…
Dejan —
Yeah it looks like EnumDisplaySettings() is the call for getting the refresh rate. I get 60 Hz as…
I've tested the code in the first post of this page, and I do get the correct refresh rate of my …
Furkan —
If i am not mistaken the /Oi flag signals the compiler to replace functions with intrinsic versio…
As far as I've read the main culprit is usually said to be file IO. In Unity you load each file o…
I usually watch episodes on YouTube the day after the live broadcast because it fits better with …
The linker probably is one of the culprits. Furthermore, think about what happens when you includ…
The linker probably contributes a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire process of starting…
So is it the linker that is so slow?
I can say for sure I'm switching to unity build (and avoidi…
I'm happy to help, as soon as you post the .py
nxsy The only dragons will be in the Dragon Punches! Shoryuken!
Oh, say it ain't so!
Eh, I don…
"Also keep in mind that this is the first game to feature "meta-achievements", which are achievem…
(nasally voice) Ahem, yes, on the Handmade Hero CD-ROM, is there a waay to get out of the dungeon…
I had the same question actually. I ended up just letting all WM_PAINT messages fall thro…
I think you've asked an important question here... I wish I better understood th…
The code looks a lot like Casey's and some of it is direct copy and paste, some of it comes from…
Yes I second this. I've never made a bot before but I'm willing to put in manpower.
and chonalro…
Ian —
I've noticed that there is a path through the amended controller code that can leave NewControlle…
That's a good example of building and packaging a Mac app. Nice work!
I don't go out of …
If you want to do nothing with the area, just whatever is necessary for Windows to not complain I…