These math primers literally will load you up with a bunch of information that is superfluous. Thi…
In the past I was recommended the book "3d math primer for graphics and game development" but I do…
I tried to "port" my game to version 2, but there are a few issues.What resolution should the face…
Ok so here's how I think this could go after reading a bit about the quaternions: 1 - define a uni…
Oh thanks Simon. So this is a known problem. What I still didn't find is a clear code for quaterni…
I believe this is called "gimbal lock", and one solution is to use Quaternions. I never done it my…
So I've been playing around with OpenGL and then like in another thread I've opened, I made some s…
AP Computer Science A is apparently a college-level introductory course to computer science, and i…
so here's some news finally :) I have decided I am close enough to share an alpha build of Yarnspi…
The problem most likely is that variables in debug mode contain different values on stack from rel…
Result so far :) 2023-11-06 18-43-16-1.m4v
Guess you are right, I changed the code to pack the data together and use a single VBO, and voilá…
You saying that those exceptions are normal behavior was the conformation I needed! I was so caugh…
I want to believe you, but my suspicion is that there is something else in your code that triggers…
Constants: // attribute index in GLSL shader const GLint a_pos = 0; const GLint a_texcoords …
My entire code is there, there is literally nothing else regarding VAO and VBO. It only works if I…
Hi Guntha, yes exactly they've put this later without much explanation. This did the trick for me,…
There is no need to unbind VAO for this to work. If there is any problem, then it is in other plac…
Those exceptions are probably a normal thing and you can completely ignore them. Nowadays Windows …
are you updating the light position with the object? if you do that then the light will move with …
Hi, Yes, you also need to update face_normal in the vertex shader. According to learnopengl, it's …
So basically to make a lightspot I'm following the tutorials in Basically the ver…
Ok so this is the solution to using a single VBO but still keeping different vectors for those ver…
If something crashes then some other thing in your code is incorrect Feel free to point it out, im…
Hey everyone! I'm having a weird error when debugging the TwitchNotifiy utility that Martins (mmoz…
To anyone reading this, I just updated some parts. First, eliminate useless matrix multiplications…
BTW this is totally wrong, I tested by commenting that part and program crashes. No, it is not wro…
Constants: Format setup: mesh setup: draw call: This code will require at least GL 4.5 version. Or…
Call to glVertexAttribPointer with index 2 is useless. BTW this is totally wrong, I tested by comm…
I have different data that I prefer to keep separate for now (points, texcoords, indexes, normals)…