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Handmade Network»Feed
Simon Anciaux
When you do You need to use enemyGroup.Length - 1. From the raylib cheatsheet:
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Please put ``` (three backticks) on separate line before and after code fragment you put in the po…
Thanks for the suggestion. That's what I was actually already doing. For future reference if peopl…
Understood ! Thanks for the reply ! That's gonna be so nice for the DWARF :D. Will you release it …
The PDB world is small Stefan here we meet again :)) Btw I added a PR for a small typo I found :P
I open-sourced my PDB reader that is used in Live++: Depending on what information you need, ther…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
As an option you can consider using clang instead of gcc. Even if you target mingw environment, cl…
I wrote my own PDB parser based on the information that Microsoft released here: The plan is to s…
Hey there, I was mostly curious on how you parsed the PDB files because I am reading some doc onli…
Hi, I've been trying to code a video game called Galaga using C# and the Raylib_cs library, but I …
Ted Bendixson
I'm about to release my first video game using the lessons I've learned from Handmade Hero just a …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Is there a reason you're running it in WSL2? How about compiling native executable and running jus…
I'm experiencing a version of this (using Sometimes when setting a breakpoint, some oth…
Hello all, I tried installing and playing with raylib but here is my issue: w2fryao1ew5c1.webp Th…
Christoffer Lernö
It allows the language to be easily parsable. The classic problem in a C-like grammar is that it i…
I'll keep an eye out for this. Thanks for the heads up!
RemedyBG is now available for download with the following changes: Added configurable symb…
Hi, Need to be able to debug into our process tree. So equivalent functionality to Visual Studio D…
Delicious Lines
I do not exactly know when this happens, but sometimes there are weird breakpoints that are automa…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, that should have been solved by uploading the back texture to GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z,…
Yes, that should have been solved by uploading the back texture to GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z,…
Simon Anciaux
Maybe you also need to flip the image you get from stb image ?
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Be careful on how cubemap uses coordinate system. It is left handed. See here: So if your view ma…
This is to build the skybox texture. What happens is that the skybox textures are upside down and …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Guard Security would be my best guess on what it means. From here:
What does the gs stand for? It appears in these files and the flag.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I have not looked into details how they work, I don't know. But you can read up on that yourself i…
Can you give me some overview on how these ___security_cookie, ___report_rangecheckfailure, etc fu…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Sure, you can implement all of them yourself. If you know what they need to do, then you can write…