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Handmade Network»Feed
Mārtiņš Možeiko
BTW this is totally wrong, I tested by commenting that part and program crashes. No, it is not wro…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Constants: Format setup: mesh setup: draw call: This code will require at least GL 4.5 version. Or…
Call to glVertexAttribPointer with index 2 is useless. BTW this is totally wrong, I tested by comm…
I have different data that I prefer to keep separate for now (points, texcoords, indexes, normals)…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
There are multiple problems with your code. First - you are mixing 4.5 style (ARB_direct_state_acc…
Henlo, I honestly still have no clue how to make it work, there is nothing too intuitive about it …
RemedyBG is now available for download from itch.io with the following improvements and bu…
Yes. Posting an update now.
Any new releases planned? Thanks!
Ok got it, thanks! Do I always need to make points describe the triangle ABC, then pass texcoords …
How would code look like in that example?
Mārtiņš Možeiko
You would bind buffers just before draw call. They would use format described by vertex attribs th…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
The default direction set for glFrontFace is CCW. The advantage of back-face culling is performanc…
Hi Martins, thank you. "economical set of points". just using the bare minimum of points in the sp…
Hi Martins, thank you! I assume that something like using a stride of zero and pointer to nothing …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
When draw call is issued GPU processes vertices independently with vertex shader. Each vertex is se…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
It does not really matter much. Single VAO should work fine if you use it correctly. But what you …
Just an update here: I never got the GLM functions to work properly, meddled with it a bit but sin…
Let me call here a "mesh" a set of points, with a set of texture coordinates and indexes. Let's sa…
Basically I'm writing a little program making the platonic solids. I can reuse the shader for any …
Camera movement is basically the same stuff. It is the view matrix transform. But it needs to have…
Simon Anciaux
For the GLM function you still need to do the transformation in the opposite order for the model (…
ok so finally this solved the problem, the order of the matrix multiplication for objects/models h…
BTW actually trying to answer your question: idk how any of this works, I'm using gut feeling, ant…
thtaq's kinda garbage I left there trying out things, actually I should pass the identity matrix t…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
What exactly your transform() function is supposed to do? It creates translation matrix T, then mu…
So I got to the opengl point and then decided to get Anton's opengl tutorials. I get most of it an…
Christoffer Lernö
Recently C3 lost its $checks() function. It would take any sequence of declarations and expression…
Running RemedyBG with the arguments "-g" and "-q", and a exe file name will automatically start th…
Simon Anciaux
But then, when I change some API, I need to change it for all affected projects, otherwise they do…