This post is mirrored on my blog. In the late 1950's, Lisp was invented, which used the S-expressi…
Interesting, so I could just include glcorearb.h or glext.h in both the platform code and game cod…
APIENTRY things will be defined by opengl headers. So if you include gl.h/glcorearb.h/glext.h or s…
Hello, I have been trying to work on some small projects using some of the tools I learned in Hand…
I did not know I could do that! Good stuff. Thanks!
You don't need two uv's because you can get them from size & offset (where glyph is located in atl…
Quick update. First, thanks for the reference app, @OliverMarsh! I haven't reviewed it yet (probab…
What does a sandboxed app-based model look like? And how much will it be different compared to the…
What does a sandboxed app-based model look like? And how much will it be different compared to the…
Microsoft introduced sandboxing in Windows 8, which was called "Metro Apps", but nobody wanted to …
Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix those warnings in the next release and test builds with /W4 g…
The big thing that windows could do is move to an sandboxed app based model like how phone apps wo…
Windows does not really care and does not want to prevent you from running programs by default. Al…
Oh, ok. So to recap:Games run from a read-only location to prevent users from allowing malicious s…
I mean it in a context "game allows to run from read-only location" which means storing settings &…
But users choose where to install the game, not developers. I don't understand what do you mean by…
Yes, exactly. Game developers can prevent this by allowing main user (admin/you) to install game i…
Do you mean like: "oh, if you want free Minecraft skins then download this program from this websi…
Also, why do game developers have to care about security anyway? If I make a game that isn't compe…
Oh, it makes sense now. But isn't steam they make their Progam Files folder writeable by everyone …
It’s that windows can’t trust that you’re game isn’t going to do malicious things, so it j…
But then you should install the whole game in a special folder, rather than just the saved files. …
What is somewhere that I'm not allowed to write to? Many locations. Like root of C:\ drive. Or Pro…
You just have a struct storing the settings values and load it on startup, then apply your setting…
An alternative I use to what mmozeiko said is to always create a new file with a different name. I…
If we're talking about actually writing to file, then there is one thing that almost all games do …
This ‘pattern’ seems to work pretty good You just have a struct storing the settings values a…
HH does not have any user settings, I would guess it probably won't have any settings. As to why g…
There are a lot of games where the settings aren't being updated live but only when the player pres…
Just adding this recent blog post from Matt Pharr that talks about uniform float pseudo random num…