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Handmade Network»Feed
Simon Anciaux
If I read the code correctly (it has been a while since I watched those episodes), the display of …
Even if you're treating each 32-bit codepoint as a single character, it's still partly wrong (but …
What is a good coding style? Of course code style doesn't make a program performant, but what is o…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I agree than UTF-16 was a mistake, but my point was that .NET uses one element per character, whic…
Unless you are reading the manual for a specific compiler, char is a signed or unsigned integer of…
I am behind with the series and have reached day 394. On my machine, the day 394 code does not run…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
std::string does not have the same character size and behaviour on each platform, which will be me…
std::string does not have the same character size and behavior on each platform, which will be mes…
I've always felt stupid when reading about the standard library. I thought the implementations wer…
There are good reasons to avoid certain portions of the standard library. Most of the C++ standard…
So if I want to support many Operating Systems, I have to write an implementation for each of them…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Thing about relying on libraries is that you are adding extra dependency to your code. If it works…
I do apologize for my lack of knowledge in advance. Recently I started programming, and I was casu…
Assert is not useful for division by zero checks, because of the low chance of being caught in deb…
Simon Anciaux
We don't control when Windows will switch between the two buffers. And there is no guarantee with …
Gaurav Gautam
On day 29 at 19:49 minute mark, @cmuratori says, that because the patblt happens before the stretc…
Robert W. Childress
Quick sanity check for my mouse selection process and a question about ray casting in general: I'm…
Thanks for this. I can really see myself using it more often than the normal array view.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
It is written in pretty much same style as games, running "main loop" as fast as you can: As long …
Simon Anciaux
I don't think 4coder does anything special for latency. But there are some think you can do. Have …
When you type, the input is displayed on the screen instantaneously, without any noticeable delay.…
Gaurav Gautam
@William thank you. This worked. I should have read the docs more thoroughly.
My project blog is also unable to make new threads, nor commenting on the old ones. Not sure if th…
It looks like the flAllocationType parameter is wrong for VirtualAlloc. "Attempting to commit a sp…
Gaurav Gautam
Yeah so I wrote the following: I am attaching 2 files showing the success and error runs in visual…
Simon Anciaux
Could you make a small and simple reproduction case that we could try on our end to be sure it's n…
Gaurav Gautam
I am on windows10 and virtualAlloc fails with error code 487 (accessing invalid memory address) wh…
Android (since the Lollipop version) is based on NSA's Security Enhanced Linux, which creates one …
Macoy Madson
This post is mirrored on my blog. In the late 1950's, Lisp was invented, which used the S-expressi…