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Handmade Network»Feed
Gaurav Gautam
Ah I see now. So the 8bits for the alpha channel represent in some sense how much of a pixel is co…
Simon Anciaux
Thanks. I haven't used the new feature much, but here is some quick feedback.The zoom button posit…
Simon Anciaux
1 The mantissa part is the part that is usable. The floating point number mantissa is the "informa…
The 32 bit values are single precision floating point. Those are standardized to 24 bits of mantis…
Gaurav Gautam
Hello, On Day33 of Handmade hero at this timestamp: Casey Muratori explains here what would happe…
A new version of RemedyBG,, is available for download. Changes include: New FeaturesAdded …
Neo Ar
Decided to release nwr_mem.h v1.0.0 to the public without a paywall since RISCY BUSINESS is on an …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
By IO thread I mean dedicated thread that accepts read or write request and does read/write operat…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
It is called C. You just write C code. And if you really need - compile it with C++ compiler to us…
Are there any books that teach programming without classes and other bloated stuff? Maybe books ar…
Benjamin Pedersen
Thanks for your reply. I had not really thought about the disk and threading. Can I ask a few foll…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
For each file to process you read it fully into memory (C stdio API is perfectly fine for that), d…
Benjamin Pedersen
I have a lot of big binary files (usually 300-400 MB). The file format has changed slightly and I …
That's a good idea, too, but it won't work for beta-testers in the future. Thanks for sharing that…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Have your build script delete all temp_*.dll files - whichever it can. If it cannot then meh, leav…
Good idea, too, but I think I prefer bumping the number because your idea requires deleting the dl…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
To run multiple instances I would create string based on process id - something like temp_817238.d…
That could work. Unload, try to copy to temp1.dll, else try to copy to temp2.dll, and load again. …
Simon Anciaux
If it's not an issue for you and you have a way to differentiate between the different instances, …
Tobias Wolf
Why don't you just copy to Temp1.dll and Temp2.dll If you don't know if you are 1 or 2 either you …
Yes, the glViewport and glScissor was the problem! I have now set it to: With that, all the lighti…
How would I adapt the hot reloading technique used in HmH to an online game where I want to be abl…
Simon Anciaux
Game developers should be able to write code, draw art and compose music. Most of the time a singl…
Robert W. Childress
Thanks, Dawoodoz! That gives me plenty more to research and think through.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Right, text shaping is another issue. I'm just saying that if you break two UTF-16 chars that belo…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
I don't know for sure, but my assumption is it will do memory accesses. Though maybe that is now d…
I think some style features are pretty much arbitrary in terms of readability - i.e. nobody has pr…
Game developers should be able to write code, draw art and compose music. Is there a study plan or…
Allen Webster
Question #1. Does the processor have to do memory accesses for every instruction that looks like a…
Simon Anciaux
I use everything lower case with underscore to separate words. Add _t to type definitions (struct,…