There can be only one "main" entry point in executable. simple_preprocessor.cpp is compiled to sep…
da447m —
I'm back at taking a look at the code, so apologize if this is clearly explained somewhere. I noti…
This article is mirrored on my blog. I'm writing a linker. It's an unusual linker. It's focus is n…
This is a nice exploration, but its not really at the level that I want to reach. For example, I w…
I saw after posting that these episodes exist. Ill keep going till I reach them.
imgui also has a web demo based on wasm that work inside a canvas using emscripten. But I would ra…
I would look into how textures are handled in HH code - and do meshes similarly. Textures also hav…
clivi —
Hello I was wondering how complex meshes(with a lot of vertices) could be handled in a nice way in…
pkzip —
You are definitely NOT talking non-sense. I dream about developing the kind of UI code you descri…
I don't know about webassembly but programming simple UI controls isn't that hard. Casey does a li…
visa-viz was made for last Handmade Network "Wheel Reinvention" Jam. Forum topic on it: Website …
I have been working on HMH videos (I'm 40 hours in now), but I did not come here with the goal of …
(Brought to my attention by @thebigfox) Looks like this already exists in WinDBG: Per gives some …
Jason —
Also, to make sure I'm understanding everything correctly: Within the SDK if I look into the inclu…
Jason —
Ya, after looking at the SDK it definitely seems like a good thing to use for a beginner. Thanks f…
SDK gives prebuilt/ready to use validation layer binary. Which is very very useful. You should alw…
Jason —
Thanks for your input. After skimming through the website it states that the S…
I did some Vulkan work during the pandemic (see here) and mastered the basics. I learned from vulk…
Probably because these videos have unusually long length compared to previous ones, the YT encoder…
Jason —
So it's looking like I'll have to start trying to toy around with vulkan and at least get things w…
This happened before a few times. Usually youtube sorts itself out after a while.
In the latest recordings of handmade 650 and 651 on youtube, the videos have very bad quality (360…
cl777 —
Ah, finally it works! I dug around so long but missed the issue. Thanks a lot for your help.
You need to add .path = in front of the paths: There is an issue on github about that.
Follow up release with some improvements / bug fixes, ImprovementsAdded context menu item…
cl777 —
Hello to everyone, I got a little problem with search paths in 4coder. My directory structure: I …
This is mirrored on my blog. I have invested a significant amount of time in building Cakelisp for…
Thanks for the feedback Simon!
We must necessarily use the first 7 bits to store the value of the exponent. The exponent is 8 bit…
Damn! That was way deeper than I had thought :P. If I am right now, I had no idea he was doing tha…