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Marius Adaškevičius
I'm very well aware that newly written code for asset loading is currently not being run and hasn…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Maybe that's because your laptop is only dual-core? Casey has 8 cores from which HH uses 6. So yo…
I have a question re day 66. Can someone explain to me why we check if the position is within th…
That did help thanks. But still only running at 50ms a frame when built with VS compared to build…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yeah loading executable code from sdcard (internal or external) won't work. That's an security is…
I tried to program stuff to android NDK, and i saw that the build process takes forever, or 60 se…
aameen951 what you did is avoid LINKING to kernel32.dll Right? but programs on windows will alwa…
Miguel Lechón
Day 22. From minute 11 to minute 17, Casey explains the setup that creates the pdbs with differen…
I somehow missed the part where Casey makes the junk pdb files delete automatically. Mine keep pi…
robby Skaft [...] and the very latest source code[...] the latest source file does come bundled …
Skaft [...] and the very latest source code[...] the latest source file does come bundled with a…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Link is available on your SendOwl page - open URL you received in e-mail. That page currently has…
Hey guys, I can't seem to find the source code for the days past 099. I heard Casey intended to p…
Thanks this helped. I had put in an "=" instead of a "-" on a single line. I didn't catch it the …
If you don't know, you can use the diff command or a gui diff program to compare the zip source w…
Benjamin Bumblebee
debiatan The level of the recording stays low (at around half of the available range) and well be…
Cristián Donoso
Thank you for your responses. It does seem that some kind of checking process is holding the file…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Yes, adding more calculations to loop shows better results: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Ameen Sayegh
what you did is avoid LINKING to kernel32.dll Right? but programs on windows will always have ke…
Mārtiņš Možeiko
Oops, it's actually worse. Much worse. I guess code before in NEON function used some data from …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
By default ndk-build compiles optimized build. If you want debug build you need to add APP_OPTIM=…
i just downloaded a app from the google store called VFP bench and it showed me benchmarks for a …
Mārtiņš Možeiko
How are you compiling/benchmarking? It could be compiler is smart enough to turn your non-NEON pa…
I just started following along with the stream and haven't had any problems with the code until n…
Casey Muratori
NEON looks to be solidly twice as fast in those benchmarks, though, sometimes four times as fast?…
If you'll look here http://www.anandtech.com/show/697...formance-of-modern-arm-processors you can…
Casey Muratori
Yeah, the rule is that there is no programming of any kind allowed if I'm not streaming. - Casey
Casey Muratori
Ah, I get what you're saying. So we're not talking about the operation, we're talking about the …
It happens at the same time every time, it just takes a minute or so for it to occur. Are you no…
A mul takes 2 registers of 128 bit, so the cpu should pass 256 bits to the alu. But the connectio…